Chapter 32: Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

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Chapter 32: Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Everyone started to murmur and whisper about the event that had just taken place right before their eyes. When everything seemed to have returned to normal, Finn dragged Quinn off stage.


"Please Finn. You and I both know that you take a little while to realize things, so I'm just going to let this slide. Can't you see that she no longer wants you? You never belonged with her Finn. Admit it. You knew all along that the two of you would never work out. You come from a very different world, Finn. And so does she. You don't want the same things as she does, I'm just helping you."

"Quinn, then tell me, what do I want? Go on, if you think you know me so well. Then tell me, what do I want?" His voice rising as he burned his eyes into hers.

She started to tremble at his tone. "Finn..."

"No Quinn. You don't know everything. You don't know anything."

"Finn, I just wanted everything to return to how it was." Quinn's voice trembled as she choked back on her tears. She reached out for his arm.

She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but hurt and anger written all over. It was the first time she had seen him like this. His face started to heat up, with the tips of his ears turning pink as he shook her hand away. His voice quivered as he said,

"I trusted you Quinn, but you took away the only one thing I still respected you for. How do you expect anything to go back like how it was?"

"Please Finn."

"You took away the one thing that I was happy about, Quinn. Rachel made me happier than I've ever been, and you just took that away from me." He looked straight into her eyes. "I'm done with you."

He stomped her out of her vision, kicking a chair before he disappeared into the crowd.

Finn redialed Rachel's number again as he walked through the hallways of McKinley. He didn't know what to say if he saw her, all he knew was that he wanted to see her face. Finally, he located her silhouette in the car park. She was sitting on the curb, hugging her knees close to her and his heart broke when he saw how fragile she looked. He rushed up to her and embraced the tiny brunette's back.

"Rach, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Upon hearing his voice, Rachel screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Finn refused to release her, which only caused the girl to struggle and shriek even louder. "Rachel, please."

She took a deep breath. "Finn, let go of me, please. I'm begging you." Finn loosened his grip and she squirmed out of his arms.


She turned and looked at him. His face was drenched in sweat and his eyes were blood shot, the first she's ever seen.

"What are you still doing here? The dare's over, you've proven how much FUN truth and dare can be. And you win, Finn. You've won the game. So what are you still doing here?" She asked in the coldest tone he's ever heard.

"Rachel, every word that I've said, it's all true. The first time we've spent the day together at the library, when I told you, you were amazing. And when I said that you're the good thing, the best thing that has happened to me. Up to our duet together. Rach, everything I've done and said, it came from me. The real me, Rach."

"Finn, how do you expect me to believe you? That's what you've always been saying, but when Quinn said that all this was just part of a game you three played, I don't even know which is the real you anymore. I trusted you Finn, and you've hurt me."

"And you think this was how I wanted it to happen? I got into the game, thinking it would just be another one of those things you do in high school where you would forget about sooner or later. But then, it led me to you. I can't even get by a single day without thinking about you. After the break up, I couldn't sleep, didn't have the energy, couldn't do anything without thinking of you,"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid you'd hate me. And when we sang the duet together, it was just so right. I was this close to having you, but..." He hung his head in despair.

"Well, then you got what you wanted. Because right now, this is over. You've always believed me. So believe me when I say this, I don't ever wish to speak to you again."

"Rachel, don't do this."

"You made a choice Finn."

Just then, Leroy Berry pulled at the curb. Rachel had texted to come pick her up, which was a surprise to him. He got out of the car and saw his daughter hugging herself while she talked to Finn and he knew something was up. Every time she hugged herself, it was when she felt alone and afraid.

"Ray ray, is everything okay?" He asked his daughter. She looked up at him and saw a thick mascara line running down her face. He rushed to her side and gave her a huge embrace. He felt her sinking into him and turned to Finn.

"Is everything alright Finn?" Leroy Berry looked at him and saw that Finn had the same dejected look. His eyes were puffy in the midst of a forlorn face, with hurt and shame written all over.

Finn didn't have the strength to answer him. He wasn't sure if Rachel was about to say anything and he didn't want to ruin whatever chance he had left with her.

"Finn?" The older man asked again when Finn hadn't given him an answer.

"I'm sorry." Then he stood up and left.

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