Chapter 27: You Can't Always Get What You Want

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Chapter 27: You Can't Always Get What You Want

"Hey Finn, could I see you for a moment please?" Will Schuester called out as his students were leaving his class.

Finn walked up nervously. "Hey Mr. Schue, is this about dozing off in your class? I'm really sorry if I did, but I'm pretty sure Puck's snoring was louder. I swear, I was just trying absorb everything with my eyes closed!"

Will Schuester chuckled. "No Finn, this isn't about sleeping in class, although you need to start paying more attention. I've asked you to meet me because I need a favor from you. It's about prom."

Finn raised his eyebrow. "Prom?"

"Yeah, so you see, Principal Figgins asked the New Directions to perform during prom, due to our low budget. When you were singing that duet with Rachel, it got me thinking if you'd like to perform with us as well."

"Aw gee, Mr. Schue, that's nice of you to ask, but I'll pass."

"It'll be a duet with Rachel."

Finn widened his eyes. Will Schuester saw the look on the boy's face and laughed. "I do know a bit of the gossip that goes around. If you do this duet with Rachel, you'll have to spend some time with her outside of class to practice."

"Everyday?" Finn asked, his heart beating faster with every word his Spanish teacher was saying.

"Well, we would have to see how it goes, but the chemistry between the both of you has to be perfect, so I wouldn't rule out the option of staying behind everyday."

Finn smiled. "Mr. Schue, count me in."

"Come on, Puckerman, all you need to do is just give her 7 minutes in heaven and she'll do anything for you!" Quinn exclaimed.

"But why can't I just sneak in and play the slideshow myself?"

"Because you don't know how it works! Lauren Zizes belongs with the AV club, and she's in charge of the performance for the night. Giving her the tape would be perfect!"

"What makes you think that Rachel's going to believe that this was all true? The pictures that you're using aren't during the time that all these happened anyway."

"Trust me, all we need is just the slideshow to spark an argument. Then, we question Finn in front of the entire school, and he would have no choice but to admit the truth. Only then would Rachel see that Finn belongs with me."

Rachel walked into the choir room excitedly. Mr. Schuester had told the New Directions that he had an important announcement to make during the glee club meeting. Maybe he finally had some new song ideas instead of using the usual Journey playlist. She took her seat beside Mercedes and fidgeted nervously.

Just then, Mr. Schuester turned around and faced his students. "All right guys, Prom."

"Please tell me we're not doing any songs about Prom." Sam spoke up.

"Uh no. We are the prom. Figgins has asked us to perform."

"Let's do Run Joey Run!" Rachel shouted excitedly. Everyone stared at her and she kept her mouth shut.

"Now I know this isn't ideal with nationals coming up but we really don't have a choice. And we could really use the money. But I know that prom is special to all of you and I wanted to make sure that you enjoy yourselves. So, I've decided to stagger the performances so that each of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates."

The trio looked at each other. They didn't have dates to go with and made a pact to go together.

"So, I've decided to recruit some help." Will continued. And just then, a huge figure walked in, making Rachel's turn pale at his presence.

"New Directions, please welcome Finn Hudson. Our temporary member for the next couple of weeks until Prom is over." Mr. Schuester announced.

Everyone started applauding while Rachel froze in her seat.

"Uh, hey. Thanks guys for letting me be a part of your team. Artie, Kurt, Mike, Matt, Jacob. Don't think of me as trying to steal your spotlight though, I'm just here to sing during Prom." Finn spoke up.

"Matt and I are here to dance anyway." Mike Chang spoke up, nodding towards his partner.

"And I'm only here because I've been trying to get into Rachel's pants for the last two years." Jacob Ben Israel added.

"Trust me, that's what Finn wants to do as well." Kurt remarked.

"Kurt!" Finn exclaimed.

"Oh like you weren't thinking it!"

"Kurt!" Rachel screamed.

"You're cool Finn, Sam and I could take a break from singing the leads anyway." Artie cut in with a smile.

"Alright, Finn why don't you take a seat and we'll begin."

The footballer nodded and chose a seat beside his former girlfriend. "Hey Rach." He whispered to her.

Rachel looked forward and ignored his greeting.

"Okay, girls, why don't we show Finn what we've been up to. Santana, there was an Amy Winehouse number that you had in mind?"

"Watch and learn boys." Santana said flirtatiously.

The rest of the boys applauded when the girls were done with their performance of "Valerie."

"Wow, Santana, I didn't know you had it in you! Guys, I think we found a number for nationals." Will said proudly as Santana took a bow. "Okay, so now, we should focus on our numbers for prom. Rachel, I was thinking that you could do a duet with Finn. What do you say?"

"WHAT?" Rachel exclaimed. No, no way. Not a chance.

"Please Rachel, calm down. You and Finn have evidently sounded great together. We're trying to make this prom the most memorable one since most of you are graduating. We need to have a song worth remembering this event for. Finn's the star quarterback, who better to sing this song with you?"

Finn blushed at the compliment. "Mr. Schuester, if Rachel's unhappy with me singing with her, I can leave."

"Then go!" Rachel replied angrily.

"Rachel, please. You need to understand that this is for the glee club's welfare."

"You're punishing me."

"Contrary to your beliefs, it's not all about you. Glee club's about having fun. You're not always going to be the star but I promise to do my best to make sure that you're having fun."

"Maybe one of these days, you'll find a chance to create teaching moments without ruining my life." Then, she stormed out of the choir room.

"Mr. S, maybe I should go talk to her." Finn offered.

"No, Finn. Let me. She's just going to push you away." Mercedes got up and left the room.

Will Schuester sighed.

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