Chapter 40: Journey

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Chapter 40: Journey

She reached out for his hand and squeezed it tight. "Thank you Finn. For everything. But, do you even know what you're asking me? This isn't something you can just joke around with. It isn't a game, Finn. We're only 17. What do you know about marriage?"

"I don't know Rachel. All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I mean, isn't that enough?"

She looked into his puppy-dog eyes and said, "I'm really sorry Finn. But I'm not going to marry you. Do you know how crazy this is? I don't want you to propose to me just so that we can be together. And I don't think you would want to explain to our parents that the reason you're doing this, is because you wanted me to forgive you."

His heart broke at her reply. He pushed her hand away and crushed the ring. Just as he was about to stand up and leave the room, Rachel laid her hand on his forearm and said, "I'm not done yet."

He settled back into his seat and looked at her. She reached out for his hands and took a deep breath.

"Finn, you have been, the worst, most aanoying man I have ever met. You don't ever give me a chance for anything, simply because you read my mind like a book. The most dangerous risk I've ever taken in my life because being with you has been a roller coaster ride."

She squeezed his hand, hoping to let him know that she was still clinging on to the hope that some day, everything might all just work out.

"But you know, the thing about roller coasters, is that no matter how scary the ride has been, it would always be worth it. And despite how nauseous and awful you would feel after the ride, you would always be willing to go again because there is the thrill for adventure."

Finn sat up in excitement. He wasn't sure where she was going with this, but he understood what she meant. "So, you'll give me another chance?"

"I'm about to compete in Nationals Finn. To win that trophy has been my goal for the entire year. I'm not about to let anything or anyone distract me from this dream."

Then, she leaned in and gave him a light peck on his nose. "But, that's a maybe."

A week later.

Finn's alarm clock rang and he shot out of bed. New Directions had finally gotten the prize they deserved. He was in the audience the day before, watching their performance. His eyes glowed with pride when it was announced that McKinley High received first place. But the poudest moment, had been Rachel's solo. Halfway through her song, he knew they already had the title in their pockets.

He headed to the bathroom and continued on his daily routine excitedly. Finally, Nationals was over. There was nothing that could stop Rachel from rejecting him now.

He saw her standing by her locker, pulling out her World History textbook. She flipped through it and a frown started to form. Finn took a second to admire the look on her face before rushing towards her. He sneaked up behind her and greeted her by presenting a hug.

"Congratulations." He whispered into her ear.

She smiled and released his arms around her. "You've said that a million times, Finn. I think that's enough." Then, she closed her book and started rummaging through her locker.

"It doesn't hurt to say it again."

She smiled shyly as she closed her locker shut. "Thank you."

"So..." He wasn't sure how he was going to bring up the subject.

She looked at him innocently. When she saw him biting his lip nervously, she realised where he wanted to take this conversation to. Rachel took his hand and squeezed it tight as she led him towards their class.

The dismissal bell sounded and students flocked out of their classrooms. Finn saw Rachel waiting by his locker like she had agreed earlier.

"So, Miss Rachel Berry. You're obviously into me. How would you like to go out on a date with me?" He asked with a smirk on his face as he yanked opened the door and stuffed his books in.

The memory of their first meeting flooded her mind. They had been through so much, and no matter the future, she knew that this was meant to be. "Don't push your luck, Hudson."

He laughed at her comeback as he recalled the second time he attempted to ask her out. It had been a roller coaster ride with her, but he knew that despite every heartache and tears, he had already earned that special place in her heart.

Rachel reached out for his hand and he held unto hers. Finn leaned in until their foreheads met. Then, he whispered the words that he swore he would never forget.

"I'm forever yours?"

Her heart soared, and she replied with confidence.


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