Chapter 37: My Man

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Chapter 37: My Man

"You're pretty good at this." Finn commented when Rachel rinsed the remaining bits of ice off his face.

"I had a lot of practise. You're actually a lot luckier than Kurt and me. Your hair's pretty short." Rachel said when she washed a towel in the sink.

She's not pushing me away, that's good! Finn thought to himself with a smile before speaking up again. "I'm really sorry about everything Rach."

"Finn, can we just not talk about this?" Rachel sighed. Honestly, she had no idea why she was helping him clean up after his first slushie facial. All she knew was how painful it felt and she didn't want him to deal with it alone.

Finn sat in silence as she started dabbing his face with the towel.

"Did you ever regret getting into this with me?"

Rachel sighed again. "I try not to believe in regrets Finn. No matter the situation, I was given a choice. I made the decision to accept you in my life because I felt that it was right at that point of time. Loving you was one of the biggest risk I ever took, and it was worth it. But likewise, you accepted the dare because you thought it was the right thing to do. Do you regret taking up the dare now?"

"Yes and no. I'm sorry that I hurt you Rachel. It's something that I wished hadn't happen. And yet, if it wasn't for Puck's stupid idea, I wouldn't have been able to know you like how I have from the past month.

"You know why it hurt so bad when I found out? Cause it meant you didn't love me."

"That's not true."

"At least not enough to not want to hurt me. You teased me with your love, creating this illusion of short term perfection and then destroying what I thought was reality."

"You thought what we had was perfect?" Finn asked.

"It was an amazing journey that we had Finn." She replied, looking straight into his eyes.

"I'm really sorry for ruining everything." He hung his head in shame.

"Everything seemed too good to be true. And for once, I felt like I understood the story of The Ugly Duckling. Then reality swooped by and just took everything away. I wasn't aware of anything that was going on, and to find out just after you told me you loved me? Who are you trying to kid Finn? You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended any of it, it's been the real me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. How do you expect me to forgive you after all of that?"

"Rach, please. Just give me one more chance. I promise to make it up to you." He held onto her hand and looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry Finn, but ever since Prom, I just can't bring myself to trust you anymore." She started to move away which caused him to grip harder.

"Finn, please. Just let me go will you? You've already caused me enough pain to last a lifetime. So for once, could you just leave me alone."

Finn begrudgingly let go of her. Just as she pulled the bathroom door, she turned around and said.

"You know what sucks about falling for a guy you know you're not right for Finn? You fall anyway because you think he might turn out to be different. I guessed you proved that wrong."

As the dismissal bell echoed through the hallways, Rachel dragged herself towards another glee club rehearsal.

"Alright guys, I hope all of you are recharged ever since the dance. Because next stop, Nationals!" Will Schuester said excitedly.

The entire glee club sat up in their seats.

"Rachel, how's that solo coming along? Do you think you're ready for it?" He asked his student.

"I guess."

"Please, Mr Schue, you were there on Thursday. I'm pretty sure Rachel's still upset over everything. And sweetheart, take all the rest you want to get better." Santana turned around and gave Rachel an evil grin. Then she faced forward again. "You can just hand over that solo spot to me, I'll do an amazing job. Like I always do." She smiled at the glee club teacher.

"Now, Santana, you're already performing the dance number. I think that's enough on your plate for now. Rachel, could I see you outside for a minute please."

"Rachel, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Are you sure? Because that doesnt look like fine to me."

"Would you be okay if that same embarrassing thing happened to you?" Rachel spurted out.

"Look, Rachel, I knew what happened to you was something hurtful and embarrassing. I admire you for being able to walk back in the halls of McKinley and lift your head high as though it didn't happen. But right now, Nationals are coming up. And I need your 100%, do you think you can deliver the song as well as you practised before?"

Rachel took a deep breath. Mr. Schuester depended on her. New Directions depended on her. McKinley High depended on her. She had to push away everything that was obstructing her from her dream and just focus on getting that trophy.

"Mr. Schuester, if I may, I'd like to request to change my solo number."

"But Rachel, Don't Rain on My Parade's an excellent choice. And your rendition is breathtaking, are you able to deliver your other option just as well? This is Nationals Rachel."

She looked at the older man and said with confidence, "I can do it."

"Alright then, we'll head over to the auditorium now. Are you ready to perform for us the number in 5?"

She nodded her head.

"Hi, my name is Rachel Berry and I'll be singing the most difficult song I've ever sung."

"Great, what song?" Will asked.

"Barbra's closing number to my faourite movie, Funny Girl."

"Rachel, in your head, are you singing to anyone in particular?"

She closed her eyes. "Not really."

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