Chapter 26: Breakaway

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Chapter 26: Breakaway

By the time Finn got Rachel to calm down, she had fallen asleep in his passenger seat. Not knowing what to do, he got out of his truck and carried her to her front door. Her dads would know what to do, he thought to himself.

He struggled to balance her as he rang the doorbell.

Hiram Berry answered the door, only to find Finn Hudson carrying his sleeping daughter.

"Hi Finn, is Rachel alright?"

"Hi sir, Uh yeah, she's just a little tired. Do you mind if I bring her up? I didn't want to wake her."

"Sure. You know where her bedroom is."

"Thank you Mr. Berry." He nodded and brought the sleeping girl in his arms to her room.

As he laid Rachel down, he saw that her brows were wrinkled, as though she was having a bad dream.

"Finn, Finn! Are you there? Please don't leave me." Her eyes were still closed which only meant that she was talking in her sleep. She clutched onto his hand just as he was about release her.

He used his right hand to smooth over her face and kissed her forehead. Then he whispered,

"Shh Shh Shh, it'll be okay. I'm here for you. Don't you worry."

As though she could feel his presence around her, she loosened her grip around his hand, but he chose to hold onto her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Rach. Not now, not ever."

Rachel stirred and peeked at her surroundings. A faint pink color stretched across the sky, just as the sun was setting behind the landscape of her small town Lima, Ohio. Rachel rubbed her eyes and stretched across the bed. She turned away from her window and saw Finn Hudson's head leaning at the corner of her bed. She crawled out of her sheets and watched as a thin line of drool started to fall down his chin. She giggled and reached for a Kleenex.

While wiping his face, Rachel marveled at the childlikeness of the boy. How are you so cute even when you're sleeping like that? She thought to herself.

Finn started to come around from Rachel's contact. When he saw the big pool of dark brown eyes staring back at him, he smiled. "Hi baby."

Rachel smiled. "Hey baby."

Finn's grin grew wider. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, I suppose. I dreamt of you." She replied shyly.

"Oh really?" He added with a knowing smirk as he opened for an embrace.

She leaned in and nodded against his chest. "Uh huh. I was in this really dark place. I had no idea where, all I knew was that I needed you."

Finn smiled remembering how she clasped his hand. He kissed the top of her head in reassurance. "And did I come to your rescue?"

"You sure did." Rachel replied with a smile.


Rachel looked up at him and traced her finger down his jawline. She pulled him closer for a kiss, only to meet with rejection.

"Rach, look stop. This isn't right."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's not that. Just that, we've broken up Rachel. It would be wrong for me to kiss you."

"Then let's just get back together. I'll even ignore you at the hallways of school if your status is so important to you. Don't you see that I need you in my life?"

"No, Rach. This is wrong." He released her and scrambled to his feet.

"You know what Finn, you can't just do that. You can't care for me so much, tell me you miss me, flirt, get my hopes up then leave. I have feelings. So please, I beg you. Stop coming back into my life. Stop doing things that make me believe that you're still into this. If you're really bent on convincing yourself that this relationship is over, do something about it, won't you."

"Rach, no, please. Can we..."

"What? Can we still be friends? You're wrong Finn. I could never bring myself to stay 'friends' with you. And after spending the last 24 hours together, you clearly can't either. I don't know what's going on with you. But since you're not willing to explain it to me, I'll just have to accept it even though it's killing me. So please stop bothering me if you want me to forget about you."

"Rach, please."

"I think you should leave."

Throughout the following week, whenever he walked passed her, she would start digging through her bag or start a conversation with someone nearby. She was willing to do anything just to avoid his gaze.

Finn tried talking to her during lunch, despite the footballers watching. He even attempted to sit beside her during World History, only to have her switching seats with Santana Lopez at the last minute.

By the third week, he gave up. There's obviously no point in trying to get her attention when she's being so stubborn, he thought to himself. He walked over to his locker and yanked it open. He couldn't help but feel that his recent rage had been very draining. And yet, there was nothing that he could do to control it. When he slammed it shut, he found Quinn standing beside him. Just my luck.

"Hi Finny." Quinn called out sweetly.

"What is it Quinn, I've got lessons." He lied.

"It's lunch period."

"Last minute lessons." He didn't like that Quinn was constantly calling him and dropping texts like




While he was able to avoid her by stuffing his phone under his pillow on the weekends, he couldn't escape from her during school hours.

Quinn chose to ignore his excuses and spoke up. "So, I've heard that you've broken up with Rachel." Seeing that he wasn't going anywhere, she continued, "So, it's time for you to stop messing around and get back to me. Come on Finny, there's a week left until prom. We would run for Prom King and Queen, just like how we always wanted."

"Quinn," He sighed. He didn't know what else to do. "It's over. Can't you see that everything's finished?"

"Is this or is this not about Rachel?"

"Why do you have to keep brining her into this Quinn? She had nothing to do with my feelings for you. I loved you, but that was in the past."

"No we're not breaking up. I can handle your confusion with Rachel until you get over it. And we're going to stay together and we are going to get that crown."

"Just stop it okay, I don't want that life. Don't you feel anything anymore? This is real, this is happening."

Tears stung Quinn's eyes and she could feel her lips quivering. "Are you happy now? Is this me feeling enough for you?"

"Quinn I'm sorry, I still..." Finn started to reach out to her.

"Just don't touch me!"

Quinn flew out of Finn's sight. She went straight into the girls bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. When she heard that Rachel and Finn were no longer together, she was elated. She called Puck to tell him of the good news and told him that her master plan was off. But with what just happened with Finn, she knew that she had to do something about this. If she was going to suffer, so would Rachel Berry.

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