Chapter 21: I'll Be There For You

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Chapter 21: I'll Be There For You

Rachel woke up with a throbbing headache. She got up and realized that she had slept in a pool of tissues, some scattered at the floor of her bed. She remembered her day before and tears started to stream down her face.

"I hope that you'd still be happy though, even though I can't be with you anymore."

It had been the same line that broke her through the night. Didn't he see that it was never going to work without him by her side? Despite the one week that they shared, it might as well have been a lifetime. It's impossible for someone to let go when everything became good. She had to find out the cause for this, because things didn't end there. It just couldn't.

Rachel took her phone and texted her guest from last night. She wanted to see Finn again, and she knew exactly who would be able to help her out.




When Kurt dropped by the night before, Rachel didn't want to talk about her afternoon. If she didn't say anything, maybe she could pretend as though nothing had happened. But after her rough night from missing his face, his touch, his kiss and then remembering his words under the bleachers, she knew that she had to accept the truth.

When she looked up at him, he didn't meet her eyes. She knew that he did love her and it made Rachel even more confused as to what was happening. She couldn't shake the feeling off. It was as though he was forced into ending things with her and she didn't understand why. What was so wrong in being in a relationship with her? She had to talk to someone about this, before her mind exploded with thoughts of him. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, she could bump into Finn while she was at the Hudson-Hummel residence.

Finn growled as the morning sun shone through his window. He barely slept through the night, most of time was just spent lying in his bed thinking of Rachel and missing her so badly.


"Come on Finn, you know how I love to see you sing. You did it in front of the school and glee club before. Now, I want to hear you sing for me. Please baby, just for me?" Rachel batted her eyelids and smiled sweetly towards him.

He couldn't resist it. Especially after the way she called him baby.

"Okay, but if I suck, it's your turn to sing me a song."


Finn took a deep breath.

Oh, why you look so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come to me now

Don't be ashamed to cry

Let me see you through

'Cause I've seen the dark side too

When the night falls on you

You don't know what to do

Nothing you confess

Could make me love you less

I'll stand by you

I'll stand by you

Won't let anybody hurt you

I'll stand by you

Finn hated himself for remembering that moment. With each lyric that came out of his mouth, he felt more ashamed than ever. He was a man who kept to his promises and yet, he couldn't keep the one he meant the most. He wanted her to be safe, so he chose to end things even though it killed him. If only he could rewind time, he would not have agreed to Puck. Everything would not have happened. And yet, if everything didn't happen, he wouldn't have gotten to know her, and he wouldn't have realized that sometimes, all you need is a tiny brunette to change your life.

He sighed and got out of bed. There's no use in trying to sleep, I'll just end up torturing myselfI should go for a run, it'll help me clear my mind.

Rachel rang the doorbell and crossed her fingers for the same person to answer the door who had welcomed her last week. Instead, it was Kurt.

"Hey Rach!"

Rachel couldn't help but feel disappointment taking over her face. "Hi." She replied sadly as she stepped into the house.

"What's with that look on your face? It's a Saturday, come on. Lighten up!"

"Kurt, could we just go to your room please?"

"Uh, alright. Are you okay?"

"I'll explain later."

Upon entering Kurt's bedroom, Rachel glanced over at the bedroom door that she was once so familiar with. Her heart winced in pain when she reminded herself that she no longer welcomed in his life. She sighed and entered her best friend's room.

"Okay, Barbra. Now talk, what is up with you?"

"Is Finn home?"

"So that's why you wanted to come over. Why did you call me for then? Unless you're planning a surprise? Ooh, does it involve presents?" Kurt jumped up in excitement, clapping his hands. He loved surprises!

"No, answer me Kurt. Is he home?"

"You just missed him. He's out for a run, would probably be back in an hours time though." Kurt was puzzled at the seriousness of her tone.

Hearing that he wasn't around, Rachel started to sob and Kurt started to panic. He had never seen this side of Rachel. She was usually so strong, so tough. Even if she didn't get a spot in a musical that she really wanted, she was still able to hold her head up high. But not this time. Right now, the tiny girl was in tears and he was lost for words.

He joined her at his bed and put his arm around her. He wasn't sure what to do, and contemplated calling Finn to come home immediately. But just as he was about to reach for his phone, Rachel lunged forward into a hug and said,

"It's over, Kurt. I don't know why, but it is."

Kurt read enough trashy magazines to know what that meant. His mind was filled with a thousand questions, but seeing the girl break down in his arms, he chose to keep them for later. Right now, Rachel needed someone to comfort her, and he was going to be there for her.

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