Chapter 28: Forever & Always

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Chapter 28: Forever & Always

When Mercedes caught up with Rachel, the tiny girl was on the floor, hugging her knees close to her chest while she leaned on a wall of lockers.

"Hey, mind if I join you?"

Rachel looked up and shook her head.

"What's this really about?" Mercedes questioned her.

"I just... I just can't be in the same room as him without wanting to cry."

"Well you managed to survive at least 10 minutes of it earlier." Mercedes said encouragingly.

Rachel forced a small smile. "Do you think it was wrong for me to shout at Mr. Schuester like that? After all, it wasn't his fault."

"Ah well, you're good at doing storm outs, I think he's gotten used to it." Mercedes joked. "But you know that he's right about the duet. While it may kill you to admit it, you know that Finn's voice matches yours perfectly."

Rachel sighed and looked down.

"Rach, you don't have to do this. Nobody can force you. But deep down, you know that you want to do this with him."

"I do, Mercedes. It's just that he's confusing me. I have no idea what Finn's trying to do with me and singing a duet with him is just going to increase my hopes that we might have another shot at this."

"And is that bad?"

"I just don't want to get hurt again."

"Hey, nobody's going to guarantee your future for you. Not even fortune tellers. If it's a risk you're willing to take, then go for it. If you and Finn were meant for this, it would happen."

"You really think so?" Rachel asked timidly.

"I know so."

Rachel was glad that Mercedes was there for her. "I'm going to hug you now."

When the girls returned to the choir room, Rachel walked up to Will and said,

"Mr. Schuester, I'm ready to do a duet with Finn."

The teacher smiled at her and Finn felt his heart skip a beat.

"That's good to hear Rachel. Now Finn, why don't you get down here and we'll see what we can work with."

Finn threw his bag on the floor and fell on his bed. Ever since he agreed to performing with Rachel, he'd been staying back late after school constantly practicing for their number. He let out a huge sigh. Rachel still wasn't speaking to him. After practices when he'd offer to send her home, she would bolt out of the choir room as fast as she could.

Truthfully, Finn didn't know what he wanted with Rachel. All he knew was that he wanted to be close to her. At least he was making some progress, he was certain that earlier that day, she smiled his way. Even though it killed him that he couldn't talk to her like how he used to, it was as good as it could get. Finn heard a soft ringing and got up to search for his phone.


Not Quinn again. When will she ever give it up? "What?"

"I'm giving you a last chance to ask me to Prom."

"Look Quinn, if it wasn't for this performance, I wouldn't even be going alright?"

"Then be careful Finn, cause your little Jewish princess is going to get what she deserves."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Remember your promise Finn."

"I've already broken up with her, there's nothing that you have against me."

"Oh really?"

"Quinn, going out with Rachel was a dare that you and Puck made me do. I should be punished for doing something so insensitive. Not her. Don't you dare do anything to her."

"Then ask me out. Ask me to go to prom with you and I'll give it a rest."

"You promise? If I go with you, you'll leave Rachel alone?"


Finn sighed. He had to do what was right. He had to keep Rachel safe. "Alright."

As Finn clicked his phone off, he fell back on his bed. Little did he know, a certain someone was at the foot of his door. And he heard every single word.

Kurt stormed in. He was boiling with rage from what he just heard. He couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Finn and gave him a hardest smack he could ever deliver.

"Going out with Rachel was a dare that you and Puck made me do? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

"Oh shi... Kurt. Look, I didn't mean for you to hear that."

"What? So you think you can just pretend that none of this happened? You told me you loved her!"

"I did! Kurt, believe me! I did! I still do! Didn't you hear? Rachel would be left alone now, that's all that matters!"

"I thought you were different Finn. After dad married your mum and you stood up for me in front of the footballers, I thought you changed."

"I am different. Can't you see that I'm doing this for Rachel?"

"Oh yeah? Cause it sure doesn't look like it!"

"Kurt, everything that I told you before, about how I felt, it was all true! She's still all that I want."

"So when you said that you didn't want to hurt her, it was because of this?"


"And you made her believe that there was someone else?"

"I never said it. But yeah, I was sort of hoping she could believe that she was replaced. It's better than telling her the truth."

"Why did you agree to it in the first place?"

"I don't know Kurt. In the beginning, I thought it was for the fun of it. A harmless prank never hurt anyone. But then, I got to know her like how you did. And maybe even more. I couldn't change anything that had happened. All I wanted was for her to be happy, Kurt. If she ever found out what I did, she would never forgive me."

Kurt sat down on his stepbrother's bed. "And you still love her?" He wasn't sure if Finn was telling the truth, but he felt the shame in his voice and decided to bet on it. He wanted to make sure that Finn still did.

Finn looked straight into Kurt's eyes and as a tear start to roll down his cheek, he nodded and said,

"Always have."

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