Chapter 12: Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

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Chapter 12: Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

Puck entered Breadsticks with a smile on his face. He couldn't believe his luck when Quinn agreed to meet him here. Finally, he could spend some time with her alone.

Truth be told, the feelings he had for Quinn might have sparked the idea for the dare. If Finn were out of the picture, perhaps Quinn would start paying more attention to him. He knew that it wasn't right for him to ignore Finn in this, but oh god, it killed him everyday thinking that she was anyone else's but his. He caught a glance of her blonde hair and quickened his pace. Just as he was about to greet her, he realized that she wasn't alone.

"Hey man." Finn greeted him.

"Hey." Puck couldn't believe it. Can't a guy get a break here? Why does the giant have to follow her everywhere? Then again, if Quinn were his girl, he would want to stay by her side too.

"No jobs today?" Finn knew that Puck usually spent his Saturdays cleaning pools and he had gotten a lot more offers recently, which was a surprise as to why he was free to hang out today.

"Not today."

"Hey, have you seen the..."

"Ugh, enough with the boy talk!" Quinn cut Finn off just as he was about to start a conversation with Puck. Seriously? She did not want to spend her Saturday afternoon listening to Finn and Puck talk about things that didn't interest her. She already had to put up with that at school. There was no way that she had to sit through this during the weekend too.

"So Finny," she started with a mischievous smile. "How's the dare coming along?"

Puck leaned forward from his seat. After the phone call from Finn last night, he hoped that Frankenteen had made some progress with the Jew.

"I don't know. She doesn't seem that interested in me. I'm not even sure of what I'm supposed to do in the first place. When I tried asking her out, she turned me down."

"That's because you must have done it wrong!" Quinn argued.

"Seriously dude, did you try some of the bad ass conversation starters I tipped you about? Girls like that!" Puck asked.

"I don't think it's her thing though. She doesn't seem like she's into all that bad ass."

Quinn spoke up. "Although I hate to admit it, but Puck's right." She caught Puck smirking and rolled her eyes. "You need to stop being the goody two shoes that you are if you want her to start falling for you."

"You don't seem to have a problem with that and you've been with me for the past two years." Finn replied. He didn't get why Quinn was so interested in this. Shouldn't she be the first person to have stopped Puck when he made up the dare?

"I get by and it works for me. But not necessarily for her." Quinn protested.

It shouldn't have to "work" for you. Finn thought dejectedly. It should be something that you're in love with. And what did Quinn mean when she said that she gets by? Does it mean that she's settling for him? You shouldn't have to settle for someone if you're in a relationship.

"Okay well, how should I go about it then? Cause apparently we didn't think this through," Finn eyed Puck. "She still assumes that we're together. And it makes sense considering that we had never officially broken up in public before."

"You told her that we're no longer together didn't you?" Quinn questioned.

"Of course I did. She just didn't believe me. She thought that I was trying to get some with her."

Puck sniggered at his reply.

Quinn glared at the mohawk owner and continued. "Well then maybe you need to make some grand gesture to make her believe that you're more than that!"

"She's in the glee club isn't she? Try singing to her in the hallways or something. Chicks dig musicians. That is if you've got balls to embarrass yourself in front of the school."

Finn raised his eyebrows. That didn't seem like a bad idea. Not to mention, Rachel did say that he was good. It might be worth a shot. Puck really did have a way with the ladies.

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