Chapter 22: Work it Out

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Chapter 22: Work it Out

Kurt gently closed his bedroom door behind him. Rachel finally fell asleep in his arms after an hour of crying and he wanted her to get the rest she needed. Just as he was walking down the stairs, he heard the front door slam. He knew who it was because his parents were out for the day and would only return home at night. He rushed down and smacked the giant's face.

"What the hell Kurt!" Finn was exhausted from his run and he did not feel any better than he did from the night before. With Kurt's slap, he just couldn't control himself from raising his voice.

"You know what that was for. Or should I say, who that was for. Now go take a shower and get your ass down here. You got 30 minutes."

"What the..."

"GO!" Kurt shrieked. He had to find out what happen, and he was not going to let Finn get away with this.

"So let me get this straight, this is not over?" Puck wasn't exactly sure what Quinn was saying. Didn't she understand that this was all over?

"No, of course it isn't. Finn belongs to me, and he knows it. What he did was just a moment of foolishness, as always. He doesn't get that Rachel Berry is temporary while I'm permanent. So we still have to carry out our plan. Only this time, I need your help in getting him to talk to me."

"What if he's serious about this?"

"He's always unsure of so many things. I know how he is; I've been the one that had him for two years. Who do you think knows him better? Her or me? I mean, please, have you seen the huge nose? He wouldn't be that stupid. Why are you even asking me this? Is there something that you know?" She asked him suspiciously.

Puck sighed. This was not how it was suppose to happen. Quinn should have given up by now. Then again, if she were to admit defeat so readily, she wouldn't be the Quinn Fabray that he fell in love with.

"Just tell me what you want me to do."

"Okay, glad to have you on board. You'll see that Team Quinn always wins." She said with a devilish grin. It was only in a matter of time that Finn Hudson would return by her side.

Rachel rubbed her eyes and noticed that Kurt was no longer around. She looked at his table clock and realized that it was neatly dinnertime. She should be making her way back as her fathers were expecting her. She flew down the stairs, in search for Kurt. Then, she heard murmuring from the kitchen, and walked towards the sound. She knew whom the voices belonged to and her heart skipped a beat. He was home, and she was a few meters away from the boy she longed for. Rachel

decided to remain behind the wall. He might say something about the night before and she wasn't about to interrupt him.

"This isn't working out anymore? I don't feel that way about you anymore? No longer the woman in my life? God Finn, what's wrong with you!" Kurt said angrily as he paced around the kitchen.

"Dude, could you stop walking around in circles, you're making me sick."

"You are making me sick! Finn what's wrong with you? How could you do that to Rachel?"

"Look man, if I could, I would take back everything alright? Do you think I like break ups? I just had to end it okay!"

"Reason being?"

"I just told you!"

"That was not the actual reason Finn. You weren't even looking into my eyes when you said it, how do you expect me to believe you?"

"I don't know, why don't you go figure that out yourself?" Finn was annoyed by Kurt's attitude. He was tired from his lack of sleep and all he wanted to do was to go back to bed. Just when he thought he could escape Kurt's wrath, his stepbrother was sitting outside the bathroom door, flipping through a magazine while waiting for him.

"You loved her, didn't you?" Kurt asked.

Finn looked up and into Kurt's eyes. He sighed and replied in a voice so soft that Rachel had to stop breathing just so that she could hear the conversation.

"Of course I did, Kurt. It's Rachel that we're talking about. And I still do. If I could build a time machine and go back to change all of these, I would. She's all that I want."

"Then why did you do it then?"

"It's not as easy as it is. I don't want to hurt her."

"And you think that breaking up with her isn't doing any harm to her? God Finn, what in the world happen that you had to resort to this? Why can't you just work things out with her? This is Rachel Berry, not Quinn Fabray. She's willing to accept you no matter what, why can't you just explain it to her?"

"I don't know Kurt, everything's just so messed up. I don't know what else can I do." He buried his face into his arms. He didn't mean to hurt Rachel, but if she found out what he did, she was going to be more devastated than she is right now.

Kurt placed his palm on Finn's shoulders and soothed him with his thumb. "Finn, you need to stop using 'I don't know' as an answer to all the questions. Your uncertainties are just going to make things worse. She's not over you. And if you're still in love with her like you said you are, work on this. Nothing's impossible when love exists."

Rachel went back to Kurt's bedroom upon hearing the news. Finn loved her. They had never use the "L" word with each other before, but at least for now, she knew that she was not the only one. She had to create another chance with him again.

She picked up her phone and texted her dad. The only way she could get Finn to talk to her again was only if she spent the night. And there was no way that she would give that up.

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