Chapter 36: Lean On Me

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Chapter 36: Lean On Me

Finn threw his bag pack on the floor and flopped onto his bed. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Just as he was about to close his eyes, Carol knocked at his bedroom door and entered.

"Honey, you alright? You skipped your after school snack." She noted.

"Hi mum, yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired from the dance that's all." Not even Nutella could make me feel better right now.

"Finn, what is going on?" Carole's voice was filled with concern. She had never seen her son this broken. She knew something was different this morning but didn't have the chance to question him. When he went straight into his room, she confirmed her suspicions.

Carole Hummel looked at her son and saw him start to break down. "Is it about Rachel?"

"Mu-um." Finn choked on his words. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Then, he leaned into her. Just in that instant, she saw the 6-foot man transform into the small child that she was once familiar with.

"Shh Shh Shh. It's okay. It's going to be okay." It broke her heart to see her son like this. He had always been so strong, but this time he was crying his heart out in her arms.

Rachel spent her Friday feeling much better than the night before. Kurt and Mercedes ended up staying at the Berry household for two nights in a row, making up for the past month that they've been apart for.

When Kurt returned home on Sunday, he saw that Finn had hit a level close to pathetic.

"Jeez Finn, who died?" Kurt asked when his stepbrother walked into the kitchen zombie-eyed.

Finn looked at him and said, "You know what happened, don't play dumb with me." Then, he lowered his voice until Kurt was almost positive that he wasn't speaking. "How is she?"

The porcelain faced boy sighed at the question. "We hurt her Finn. How do you think she is? Frankly, I think she's amazing for being able to forgive me this quickly. I wouldn't."

"That's Rachel for you." Finn whispered.

"She's not over you, if it makes you feel better. I know she's trying to forget about everything, but you've been a big part of her life. I caught her spacing out so many times, and the scary sniffles in the night? If she isn't crying herself to sleep, she better know that she's living with a depressed ghost."

Finn looked down, unsure of what to say. He knew that Kurt was attempting to lighten the atmosphere but he just couldn't bring himself to smile.

"What do you expect me to do Kurt? What would you do if you were in my place? Like you said, you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself if it were you, what more me?" He buried his face into his hands. No Finn, you will not cry again. Enough tears.

Kurt saw how destroyed Finn was and he felt compelled to make everything better.

"Finn, if you still love her like how you claim you do, get her back."

"What if she doesn't want me?"

"Ask yourself if she's the one that would fill your heart with joy. Deep down, you know that she's the only one that can make you feel this way. People spend a lifetime searching for that one special person to have a taste of what you have, and you've found her Finn. Stop questioning when you already have the answer."

"So what should I do?"

"Fight. Don't ever give up if you still want to try. If she pushes you away, don't settle if you're still convinced that everything isn't over."

Monday rolled by and Finn was determined to do anything to make Rachel forgive him. Now that the secret was out, he could start proving himself to her without worrying about anything or anyone get in his way.

He saw her by her locker, flipping through her daily planner and walked towards the tiny brunette.

"Hey Rach." He whispered.

She whipped her head around. When she realized who it was, she slammed her locker and walked away quickly.

Finn rushed towards her.

Annoyed by his presence, Rachel spoke up. "What do you want?"


"Excuse me!" Rachel was appalled. The nerve of him. "After what you did to me on Thursday night, you think you can waltz by and pretend like nothing ever happened?"

"Rach, I want you. That's all that I've ever wanted." He started to reach out for her arm.

"Get away from me." She replied coldly at his contact. When his fingers grazed her forearm, she shook his hand away and ran towards her first period.

As the bell for lunch period rang, the hallways of McKinley High were filled with students scurrying around.

Rachel returned to her locker only to be met with two of the school's biggest bullies.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Dave Karofsky asked his best friend, Azimio Adams.

"If it isn't the Jewish princess who think she's Miss popular after dating the star quarterback." Azimio replied with a smirk.

"Oh wait, hold up." Dave made an imaginary phone with his fingers and brought it to his ear. "It looks like it was all part of a dare. And you know what that means."

"Oh hell yeah! Looks like you've just been played loser!" Azimio replied cracking up.

"I'm not afraid of you." Rachel replied timidly.

"Oh yeah?" Azimio challenged her. "Then have a taste of this!"

Rachel squeezed her eyes shut when she saw the cup in his hand drawing nearer to her face.

Finn had left his English class a little later than the rest of the students. While he was making his way towards the cafeteria, he heard a commotion nearby and walked towards the small group. His face went white at the scene before him and he rushed in front of her before anything terrible could happen.

"What in the world?" Dave asked. "Finn! What was that for?"

Finn shivered at the temperature. Kurt was not kidding when he said it was like getting bitch slapped in the face. His hoodie was dripping wet from the ice melting off his face.

"What happened had nothing to do with Rachel." Finn spoke up.

"Oh yeah? We sure had fun laughing at her though!" Azimio replied.

Finn felt a sudden rage of fury boiling in him and he started to clench his fist. "Take that back."

"Seriously Finn, this is getting boring. We're out of here." Just before they left, Dave threw his share unto the football captain's face and the duo walked towards the cafeteria laughing hysterically.

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