Chapter 25: Why?

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Chapter 25: Why?

The next morning, Finn was woken up by the smell of pancakes filling the room. He sat up and felt a pain in his neck, only to realize that he had fallen asleep on the couch.

"Morning honey." Carole greeted him when she saw him stir.

"Hi mom. What time is it?"

"It's nearly 11. Do you want to sleep some more?" She asked as she walked over and gave a peck on her son's forehead.

"That's okay. I might go over to Puck's and shoot some hoops."

He got up and headed back to his room.

"Hi honey! Where's Rachel?" Carole asked as Kurt walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Carole," He leaned in to respond to her kiss on the cheek. "She's just about done washing up. Should be done in a minute."

"You know when I got your text last night, I was afraid that you would be covering up for your brother. You know the house rules. But when I saw Finn at the couch this morning, its good to know that we can leave you boys at home without having to worry. Nothing happened right?" Burt asked Kurt, peeking over his paper.

Kurt's hand froze in mid air as he was reaching for the syrup. Oh shoot, they still had no idea.

"Uh no, Dad. Nothing happened." Yeah, there's nothing to worry about, at this rate, it'll be amazing if they would even be seen holding hands.

Just then, Rachel entered the kitchen. "Good Morning dear." Carole Hummel greeted the girl with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good Morning Mrs Hummel, Mr. Hummel."

"Any plans for the day, honey?" Carole asked while she laid a stack of pancakes on the plate in front of Rachel.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the library. Sunday's usually my revision day."

"Think you could help our boy Finn out?" Burt asked as he settled the paper on the table. Carole chuckled at his question.

"I'm sure Finn will be fine." Rachel replied softly as she forced on a smile for the adults.

"Come Rach, I'll drop you home." Kurt told the girl.

"Shouldn't Finn be the one sending her home?" Carole questioned.

Finn who had been eating silently at the table sat up. Damn, mom doesn't know. He eyed Kurt and willed him to be careful with his words. He knew how excited his mom was when he and Rachel got together. If she knew that Finn chose to end their relationship, she would be crushed.

"Yeah, that's right Kurt. Shouldn't I be the one sending Rach home?" Finn questioned Kurt in attempt to cover up any awkwardness.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I just thought we could spend more time together, but silly me, we have glee club for that."

Rachel looked at Kurt and desperately tried to send a message with her eyes. She had another round of crying herself to sleep last night; she was not ready to deal with Finn again. At least not alone.

Kurt saw the look in Rachel's eyes and mouthed the words, "Sorry."

Rachel sighed. She knew that she had to keep up the act. Carole was the only mother figure she had in her life right now, and she didn't want to break her heart.

"I'll just take a minute to change out of Kurt's clothes. Meet me outside?" Rachel said to Finn as she stood up.

He plastered a smile on his face and nodded.

"Bye Mrs. Hummel, Mr. Hummel. Thanks for being so nice about letting me sleepover." Rachel said to the couple as they walked her to the front door.

"You know you're welcome anytime." Carole told Rachel as she gave her a huge hug.

Finn got out of the truck upon seeing Rachel leaving his house. He opened the passenger door for her and whispered, "They're still looking so don't freak when I do this." Then, he brushed his lips across her cheek, so quickly that Rachel almost missed it.

"Bye Mom!" Finn waved when he saw his mother's face looking at them from the window.

They got into the truck and Finn drove off, before they had to face any uncomfortable situation in front of his parents.

On the way back to the Berry household, Finn decided to speak up. Anything was better than this awkward silence among them.

"Sorry about that." I'm not.

"That's okay, you didn't want to let them know just yet. I understand." Don't be, I wasn't.

"Slept well?"

"I guess." How do you expect me to?

Seeing that Rachel wasn't in the mood, he sighed. Maybe I should just leave her alone. Finn turned on the radio and the voice of The Pretenders filled the car. It was the song that Finn had sung to her in his bedroom.

When the night falls on you

You don't know what to do

Nothing you confess could make me love you less

I'll stand by you

Rachel couldn't control the tears from streaming down her face. It was as though the once happy memory that she had of him singing this song to her was a reflection of her innermost thoughts.Nothing you confess, could make me love you less. Oh Finn, why can't you see that I'll always be here for you?

When you're standing at the crossroads

Don't know which path to choose

Let me come along

Cause even if you're wrong

I'll stand by you

Rachel's sobs grew louder with every line. Upon hearing her cries, Finn panicked and pulled up at the nearest driveway. He saw that the girl was in a mess and couldn't resist pulling her into his arms.

"Shh, Rach, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here."

Rachel broke down even harder at the sound of his voice. She just couldn't hold it in any longer.

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