Chapter 33: You Got Me

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Chapter 33: You Got Me

Puck searched through the crowd for her. He looked everywhere and couldn't spot the blonde girl. He felt his pulse start to rise as he scanned the room for the fourth time. He dialed her number in his phone furiously. Quinn, where the hell are you?

He left the gymnasium in hopes of finding her in the hallways. And just when he was about to lose hope, he saw the girl leaning against a wall of lockers with her legs stretched out in front of her. She was staring into space and her face was flushed.


Quinn Fabray looked towards the direction of the voice and turned back to the wall in front of her.

"You ok?"

Quinn ignored him and continued staring into space.

He knelt down and looked at her face. "Quinn, say something. Anything."

"Can you go? I just really want to be alone."

"Hey, I know you're upset right now, but I want to be with you."

"Thanks, but I honestly can't handle anymore of this right now. I want to be alone. And I don't need you to understand it but please respect it."

"Quinn please, don't take this out on yourself. You don't have to stay strong all the time. You're not alone in this. I'm here for you."

She turned and looked at him. She started punching his arm and screamed. He took her into his arms and felt her tears on his suit. His mom was going to kill him as it was a rented tux, but he didn't care. He patted her back while she continued sobbing.

When she had finally calmed down, Puck sat beside her and she rested her head on his shoulders. He took her hand and kissed it gently. "Feeling better?"

"I don't know. How do you expect me to be okay after this?"

He didn't know what to answer so he lifted his arm and brought it across her shoulders while she sunk further into his chest.

"Wasn't I supposed to be the popular girl? So why can't I have my dreams come true? I just want somebody to love me."

"Maybe somebody already does." He replied.

She looked up and stared at his face, his eyes were filled with concern, as he looked right back at her. It can't be, she thought to herself.

Realizing that she had gotten the message, he asked her. "What? You never wondered about me?"

She continued staring at him, afraid to say anything.

"I don't know how to say this but God, Quinn. I like you. I've always liked you. When you got together with Finn, I liked you even more. You are it for me."

She started to smile at his words.

"Wow, there was so not gay at all." He said sarcastically. "This is crazy, I'm not explaining myself very well. This is not love, yet it kinda feels like it is." He started to shift nervously in his seat.

Quinn started to recall the past month.


"Puck, you would never lie to me, would you?"

"Of course not."

"Then tell me honestly, do you think she's prettier than me?"

"How can you even think that? When you walk down the hallways at school, everyone would stop and stare. The way you light up when you smile, and how you don't let anyone tell you what you should do. That's really hot in a girl."


"You're perfect, Quinn." He said softly.

Puck was always there for her even when she didn't need him.

"Do you love me?" She asked as she took his hand and squeezed it.

"Yes. Especially now." He looked at her and smiled. Then, to his surprise she started to laugh. His grinned grew wilder at her response and he pulled her closer to him. He kissed her forehead as she sighed with content.



"Thank you, for everything."

Just then, they heard the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday" coming from a distance and they laughed at the choice of song the glee club had chosen to perform.

"Come on, it's been a long night. Let's go enjoy ourselves." Quinn said as she got to her feet.

"But I'd rather spend the rest of the night with you, if you know what I mean." He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Noah! You are going to walk back with me to that dance and you are going to send me home after we're done! Just because of what happened, it doesn't mean you can take advantage of my vulnerability. You still need to earn me."

"Aw crap." He said as he stood up. I am so whipped.

She stretched out her hand and he smiled as he held onto it. But it doesn't matter, he thought to himself. He knew he was going to enjoy every minute of it, because finally Quinn knew how he felt and she didn't push him away. If she was going to make him work for her, he would.

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