Chapter 5: Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat

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Chapter 5: Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat

Rachel bit her lower lip nervously the minute Kurt left. She hadn't really spoken to Finn before. He belonged to the popular crowd at McKinley because of his position on the football team and was dating the head cheerleader, Quinn Fabray. The only contact she ever had with the star quarterback was when he talked to Kurt in school and he acknowledged her presence by a slight nod in her direction.

"So, are you going to follow me up? I can easily get the stuff myself if you like." Finn could tell that Rachel was nervous from the way she bit her lip and wanted to make her feel comfortable in order for her to start talking to him.

"That's alright, I know how many DVDs Kurt owns. It can be a handful for you. I'll come upstairs with you." Rachel said with a smile on her face as she got up.

"Tell me about it. The only thing he owns more than his collection of musical DVDs is the number of samples he collects from fashion magazine." Finn replied as he led her up the stairs.

Rachel giggled at the last comment knowing exactly what he was talking about. Finn Hudson didn't seem so bad. She didn't understand why Kurt was constantly putting him down, making him sound like a big shot footballer. Sure he roamed the hallways of McKinley like he owned the place, but he didn't participate in any of the slushie activities that had been going around. And that was a good enough reason for Rachel to believe that Finn could be different from the rest of the football team.

"So, I've heard from Kurt that your glee club's looking for more male members." Finn was thankful that he paid enough attention to the number of things Kurt could talk about at the Hudson-Hummel dinner table. It gave him the opportunity to talk about things that interested Rachel, which was the chance he needed to kick-start his plan to "date" the tiny brunette.

"Yeah, Mr. Schuester's been trying to recruit more male members for glee club. Artie's vocal range isn't as strong as mine is, and he sort of struggles to keep up with me whenever we have a duet. And as you know, Kurt's vocal cords are more suitable for feminine songs, there's no way he could take up the male lead. Mr. Schuester also hopes that with more male members, we would have a higher chance in beating Vocal Adrenaline at nationals."

She sure does talk a lot. Finn thought to himself. And he didn't really understand half the things she was talking about. Like what's a duet? And who was Vocal Adrenaline? So, he just nodded in reply.


"Yeah?" Finn was just about to open Kurt's door before Rachel called out his name.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?" Rachel asked.

Finn was caught off guard at her last question. How was she able to read his mind? Whenever Quinn talked about something he didn't understand, she never bothered to realize that he had spaced off. And here this tiny brunette, whom he had barely spoken to throughout his high school life, could read him off so easily. He pondered for a moment if he should lie about being caught.

"Busted! Damn Berry, you're good."

Rachel chuckled as Finn started to blush. He certainly was cute when his face turned red. No wonder the entire girl population of McKinley had a crush on him.

"Come on Hudson, we've got a task to complete. We better get moving before Kurt comes home. Like you said, with the collection Kurt has, we could spend all night just bringing everything down."

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