Chapter 8: Can't Fight this Feeling

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Chapter 8: Can't Fight this Feeling

Rachel tossed around in her sleeping bag. Despite her long and eventful day, she just couldn't go to sleep. Not after what she had heard earlier that night. Finn's voice was on a constant replay and she couldn't get the melodious voice out of her head. Milk. I need milk. It always helps me sleep, she thought to herself.

Finn looked at his World History textbook and realized that he had been reading the first line for the past couple of minutes. Seeing as how he had a huge test coming up, he had to get this chapter in his head before he could go to bed. Coco pops. I need coco pops. It always keeps me up, he thought to himself.

Rachel was searching for a pot to heat up her milk before she heard the sound of footsteps coming into the kitchen. Worried that she might have woken someone up at this hour, she started apologizing profusely before she could even see who it was.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just couldn't go to sleep so I thought about making myself some warm milk. But I couldn't seem to find a pot. I'm so sorry if I woke you up!"


Hearing the way he called her made her heart skip a beat. Only her dads and her closest friends called her by that nickname, and to hear it from the person whom she had been thinking about all night say it as though it was the most natural word that rolled off his tongue, made her feel a tad more special. Still, he was the same douchebag that degraded her gender earlier that evening.

"Oh it's only you."

Finn chose to ignore the unfriendly tone in her voice. He reached over and pulled out a pot from the cabinet above her. Then, he took the milk carton off her hands started to pour into the pot before turning around to heat up the gas stove.

"Helping me heat up my milk isn't going to get me to forgive you for the things you said earlier."

"I didn't ask you to. I'm helping you out because I didn't want you to wake anyone else up with the commotion you were making."

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. I had difficulties sleeping." Rachel spoke up softly as she stood by the stove watching him. He didn't have to help her heat up her milk. She was capable of doing that alone. But the fact that he took charge of everything made her feel vulnerable.

"That's alright. I was up studying for my World History test anyway."

"Hey, You're in Miss Holiday's first period World History class too."

"That's right, so are you. Have you started studying for the test yet?"

"I finished reading the assigned chapters twice. Probably would spend the next couple of days reading it again. Just to make sure that I've got all my facts right."

Twice. Finn barely made it through the first page. How was she able to finish reading the assigned chapters twice and still afford the time for round three?

"Think you could afford the time to help me out? I've been so behind on my work recently, that if I don't get my grades up, Coach is going to kick me off the team." Finn asked with a small smile. Half expecting her to turn his offer down, he added, "Don't feel the need to say yes though. You could say no. Just don't give me a lecture like how you did earlier explaining to me about your decision."

Rachel blushed at his remark. Thank goodness for the dim lighting or he would have been able to see her face going red. "I was pretty hard on you earlier, wasn't I? I'm sorry if I went overboard."

"You can say that again."

"Finn, I'm not sorry about what I said though. Despite being raised by two dads, I still understand the importance in being a strong woman. And to hear you treating me like I'm part of the materialistic group of girls at school, it hurt me. It wasn't very nice of you to say stuff like that. But I do apologize for the way I expressed myself. It wasn't right of me."

Finn wasn't sure how to respond to that. Rachel Berry sure knew how to surprise him. She had been amazing at settling the conflict between them, which was refreshing. Quinn never apologized for raising her voice at him. He always had to go over to the Fabrays with a bunch of flowers in order to get her talking to him again.

"I'm sorry Rach. I'm sorry too, really. Quinn's pretty much the only girl that I've ever been with and dating her can be a bit of a problem sometimes. She puts me down constantly for saying the wrong things without explaining why. My mom was a single parent who raised me up on her own, so I'm down with the whole strong woman thing. I'm really sorry if I made you unhappy."

See, now that's the person I thought Finn Hudson was, Rachel thought to herself with a small smile. She could feel the sincerity in his voice and was glad that he was capable of giving a heartfelt apology.

Finn switched off the stove and pulled a mug and a bowl from the pantry. He carefully poured the warm milk into the two elements and handed the mug to Rachel. "Here, take this and bring it to the dinner table. I'll be with you in a sec."

Rachel did as she was told and sat down.

"I heard you in the shower earlier." Rachel said into the darkness as she sipped her drink.

"Excuse me?" Finn asked as he joined her at the table. This was becoming his most commonly used word whenever he was with Rachel. That, and "Sorry".

"REO Speedwagon's 'Can't Fight this Feeling.' You were singing that in the shower earlier weren't you?".

Finn started to get nervous. He couldn't believe that she heard him embarrassing himself in the bathroom. And with the different songs he sang earlier, she had to hear the cheesy 80s one. Oh god, she must think I'm horrible. Of all people to catch him singing, it had to be the Broadway diva.

"You must think I suck. I've heard you sing, Rachel Berry. With a voice like yours, it's amazing how you're not a professional at this age." Finn replied while munching on his cereal.

Rachel blushed at the compliment. It wasn't unusual that people would be amazed by her voice. That was the reason why she was given almost all the female leads for glee club in the first place. She was good. But it still made her shy whenever someone new complimented her.

"On the contrary, I think you're amazing. You're very talented. I would know. I'm very talented too."

Finn started to relax at her compliment. It was the first time he heard a stranger compliment his voice besides Darren from Emerald Dreams when he was a kid. And coming from the girl that got all the lead roles in glee club, it was a plus.

"Have you ever considered joining our glee club? You would be good Finn. I know Kurt has asked you a couple of times so I thought it wouldn't hurt if I asked you again."

"Well between football and school, I don't really have the time you know. And I enjoy football too much to let myself get distracted with something else. And for me to focus all my attention on football, would that be so bad?"

"No, not that if it made you happy." Rachel replied

Then, without thinking, she leaned over and placed a hand on Finn's wrist. "But I don't think it would, you're better than that, you may not know it but I do."

Finn looked up at Rachel's face. Even in the darkness, he could see the honesty shining through her large brown eyes and he was sure that in that moment, her face took his breath away.

"Go out with me Rach. I mean it. I want to take you out."

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