Chapter 4: First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

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Chapter 4: First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

Rachel waved goodbye to her dads after they dropped her off at the Hudson-Hummel residence. She walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Finn shouted as soon as he heard the doorbell. As he opened the front door, he was met with a pair of large brown eyes. He could feel his heart skip a beat when the girl at his front door smiled at him. That's strange. I'm pretty sure she didn't look this beautiful in last year's yearbook picture. Finn thought to himself. Maybe the dare didn't seem so bad after all.

"Hey, you're Finn aren't you? Is Kurt home?" Rachel started to worry when she couldn't see Kurt in sight. Perhaps she should have called before coming over, but they did agree at 7, and it was only a quarter before.

Finn opened his mouth and was about to reply when Kurt came running down the stairs.

"God Finn, are you going to let Rachel just stand there? Invite her in! Can't you see the amount of stuff she's carrying?"

"Oh right. Sorry about that. Here, let me get that." Finn told Rachel, clearly embarrassed that Kurt had indirectly caught him staring at Rachel.

"Thanks Finn. You're so chivalrous."

"Thanks. That's a good thing right?"

Rachel smiled and nodded. She followed the Hudson-Hummel brothers into their living room and sat down at the sofa.

"Rachel, I'm going to grab the DVDs from my room and will be down in a minute. Feel free to ignore the giant in the room." Kurt stared at his stepbrother who was standing awkwardly by the television with his left hand clutching Rachel's sleeping bag. He didn't know what was wrong with Finn. Ever since he came home from Puck's place last night, his stepbrother had been acting strange, spacing out more often than usual. Perhaps it's the football season jitters.

However, before anyone could reply, Rachel's phone started to ring.


"Hey Rach, where are you?"

"Hi Mercedes! I'm with Kurt. Where are you?"

"Oh shoot. I'm on my way over when I realized that I left my toothbrush at home. I could ask my parents to turn around, but was hoping you'd still be home to be able to bring me a spare."

Rachel took the phone away from her ear and covered the receiver. "Kurt, do you have a spare toothbrush? Mercedes left hers at home and I wouldn't want her parents to turn around just to pick it up, it'll be too much trouble."

Kurt wrinkled his nose. "We used the last spare toothbrush when Puck stayed over a couple of weeks ago. I could run to the store and grab one though. It's not that dark out."

"Kurt's going to run to the store and grab you one." Rachel replied over the phone.

"Thanks Rach! I'll be over in 30."

"See you soon and hurry over!"

"Okay, so here's the plan. Rach, could you go up to my room and grab the DVDs from my table? And my sleeping bag as well. Finn, you'd need to help her out since you know where everything is." Kurt spoke as soon as Rachel ended her phone conversation.

"Sure, no problem." Finn replied with a smile.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes."

As Kurt shut the door, Finn smiled at the brunette who was still sitting in the sofa. It turns out the carelessness of Mercedes has put him into a good position to carry out his plan. He was going to make the 20 minutes time alone with her count.

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