Chapter 10: A Love for a Child

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Chapter 10: A Love for a Child

"Finn!" Burt pounded at the door of the footballer.

Finn growled at the sound of Burt's voice. What time was it? Didn't he know that Saturday was a weekend, and that meant sleeping in? After his late night studying, he sure needed the sleep he deserved. He ducked under his pillow hoping to drown the noise that was coming from his door.

"Time to get up big guy. Its nearly mid day."

"5 more minutes!" Finn protested. He didn't understand why Burt bothered to wake him when it was so bright out. When he heard Burt walking away, he smiled to himself and started to drift back to the deep slumber that he was interrupted from.

"Good afternoon son"

Kurt, who had finally gotten Mercedes to get up, whipped his head around, only to find Burt entering the living room.

"Hey Dad. Have you seen Rachel?"

"She's in the bathroom washing up." Burt called behind him as he headed for the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie." Carole greeted her husband with a peck on his lips as he walked in.

"Everything smells so good." Burt commented with a smile as he reached over his wife and grabbed a plate from the pantry. "Hey, it's your turn. I've tried waking him up, but you usually do a better job."

Carole knew the bad habit of her son. Ever since he was a child, she was the only one that could successfully get him up for school just in the nick of time. She took another plate and started filling it up with waffles. It was his favorite, especially when there was a thick layer of peanut butter on top of it. Food was always the best way in getting him up. Even more effective than the number of alarm clocks he owned.

Just as she started up the stairs, Burt called out to Kurt and Mercedes to get a move on it. They had to leave in an hour's time and god knows how long Kurt would take to get ready for the mall.

Rachel took one last look at the mirror before opening the bathroom door. As she stepped out, the smell of waffles filled her nostrils and her stomach started to grumble, hinting that she was hungry. Then, she was met with the lady of the house.

"Good afternoon dear, sleep well?" Carole asked the tiny brunette who had just gotten out of the toilet.

"Hi Mrs. Hummel, I did. Everything smells so heavenly." Rachel eyed the huge stack of waffles in Carole's hands and her stomach grumbled again.

"There's still more in the kitchen. Hurry down before Burt finishes them all, he eats like a bulldozer at every meal, just like the other man in this house. With both their appetites, we're close to doubling the number of groceries we have to buy every week."

Rachel giggled and gave a polite nod before hurrying down the stairs.


Just as heard Finn heard the knock at his bedroom door, he growled again. Why were his parents so persistent in getting him up?

"Wake up sleepyhead!"

"I stayed up and studied for my World History test last night. I should be getting more sleep for being such a good boy!" Finn whined.

Carole chuckled at the childlikeness of the boy and let herself into the room. Despite his size, her son never failed to make himself sound like he was 10 years younger with his whining.

"Come on honey, Burt and I need a favor. We need you to send Rachel home and she has to leave in 30 minutes time." Carole spoke as she made her way towards his bed.

Finn opened his eyes at the mention of Rachel's name. He peeked at his mother and saw the plate of waffles she was holding. He sat up at the smell of peanut butter that was slowly filling his room.

"And I suppose you think that waffles would get me up?" He asked, eyeing the plate in her hands.

"You know that you wouldn't be able to resist them anyway. I slapped on an extra layer of peanut butter especially for you."

"Aw mum, not extra peanut butter!"

"Well then get up! You're not going to get any bit of it if you're just going to lay there without washing up first."

"Not even a tiny bite?" Finn offered.

"Teeth. Now. Go."

Finn grumbled under his breath as he stumbled clumsily across the bedroom floor and out into the bathroom.

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