Chapter 7: The Voice Within

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Chapter 7: The Voice Within

Finn slammed his door in exasperation. He didn't understand what went wrong. He recalled his conversation with Quinn from the night before.

"She would be overwhelmed if any of the footballers even knew of her existence, let alone the star quarterback dating her."

Well I guess Quinn's wrong about that. He threw his hands up in frustration. Prom was in a month's time and in order for Finn to live up to his promise, he had to make Rachel believe that he was truly in love with her. He picked up his phone and dialed the number that came to mind.

"Go for Puck what's up?"

"Hey Puck. I need your help."

"I'll do anything for you bro."

"It's about Rachel."

"Managed get into her pants yet?"

"No. And why do you have to keep talking like that?"

"The chicks dig it man. It's the only way they can remember the Pucksauras and how bad ass I am."

"That's the thing. I tried talking to Rachel like that and it didn't work. Are you sure that girls like bad ass?"

"Of course dude, it always works!"

Apparently not on Rachel, Finn thought to himself. Maybe Puck wasn't the one he should be talking to. Perhaps Quinn could be of better help.

"Whatever, I've got homework to do. I'll talk to you again tomorrow." Finn had a ton of homework to complete. Planning on how to get the brunette's attention would have to wait.

Just as he opened his Spanish textbook, he could feel his eyelids drooping and decided to take a shower before he could fall asleep.

"Hey Rach, I've got some new fashion magazines that arrived in the mail today." Kurt didn't forget about his initial plan to give Rachel Berry a makeover. The dark circles under her eyes were starting to become permanent, it wasn't even funny. "We could grab a couple of issues from my room if you'd like to read some."

"Sure. Coming with us Mercedes?"

"My favorite scene is coming up. I'm good." Mercedes replied without turning away from the screen.

Rachel got up and followed Kurt back to his room. Just as they entered his room, Rachel heard a voice.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

It's time to bring this ship into the shore

And throw away the oars, forever

"Rachel!" Rachel jumped up as Kurt's voice shocked her back into reality. She turned towards Kurt, excited about what she just heard.

"Kurt, was that Finn singing in the shower?"

"Well, if it's a stranger in our bathroom, we'd better call the police." Kurt replied sarcastically while rummaging through his desk drawer.

"He's amazing."

"Yeah, he's got a good voice doesn't he? Pity that our family's the only three that has heard him. I've told him a couple of times to audition for our glee club ever since I found out he could sing. But that boy can be pretty stubborn if he wants to. After rejecting my suggestion a couple of times I gave up asking. If he'd really like to join, he would."

Rachel was in awe of the beautiful sound she just heard. It's hard to picture that the jerk who was in the kitchen earlier could be capable of carrying out a flawless tune. Of course, he just had to have everything. The looks, the body, the status. And now, the talent.

"He would be a perfect addition to our glee club!" Rachel reached over for the pile of magazines that Kurt was handing to her.

"I'd like to see you try. If you succeed, I'll go vegan for a day."


Kurt chuckled. Rachel clearly had no idea what she had just gotten herself into. One thing that he knew about his stepbrother was that he could be pretty persistent when he set his mind on something. That's why even though he could be a jerk; he was certainly one whom Kurt would go to help for, as Finn would always keep to his promises.

"Come on Barbra Berry. Aretha Jones is waiting for us downstairs." And he pulled Rachel away before she could comment on anything further.

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