Chapter 13: Bella Notte

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Chapter 13: Bella Notte

"I think we need a break." They had been going at it for the past few hours and he could feel his brain juice slowly evaporating.

"All right, we'll come back to this in a while. You're still a little rusty about the facts."

Finn sighed and closed his World History textbook. He hated that it took him forever just to get every information right. He had to take his hat off Rachel though. She clearly knew what she was talking about when she broke down every single detail for him. But what he admired the most about the girl was how patient she could be. Whenever he felt lost, she was always ready to explain everything over again, making sure that he knew exactly what he was learning before moving on.

Finn started groaning which caused Rachel to look up from her book. She looked at his distraught expression and laid her hand over his, whispering, "You ok there big guy?"

He looked up and offered a weak smile before asking, "Tell me honestly, do you think I'd be able to get through this test? Cause from the looks of it, I doubt I could even score a D."

Rachel smiled encouragingly. For a guy his size, he sure does have some pretty serious self-confidence issues. "Come on, you couldn't even tell me who Napoleon the Third was before today. I'm pretty sure you'd be able to answer that question now if it came up on the test."

"He ruled the French from 1852-1870 and had been the last emperor before the monarchy was abolished." Finn answered.

Rachel beamed at his answer. "See, that was a huge progress!"

Finn leaned back in his seat and gave a small laugh. "Are you this positive all the time? That was just one question and you made it seem as though I could ace the test."

"Well, I wouldn't say that I'm positive all the time. But I believe that negativity often leads to self-pity and it results in fear. And it's the fear that endangers you from your optimum potential. You always have the option in believing either the good or the bad side of things, and I just choose to believe in the positive side of every situation."

Finn stared at the tiny brunette who still had her hand over his. He was filled with respect for her. She certainly was different from Quinn or any other girl that he knew for that matter. Finally, he understood what she meant when she said that she was unlike the others. There just wasn't anyone quite like her and he thought that maybe her refreshing difference was just the change he needed in his life.

He took her hands into his and she could feel her heart skip a beat. He started to lean in towards her face and then, he whispered, "You're amazing you know that. You're so kind, and open. Well it makes me want to be a better person." He started to edge off his seat, bringing their distance a little closer.

"Rach, I was wondering if you'd like to..."

She could feel him inching in on her and started to blush. Before he could continue any further, she let out a nervous laugh and pushed him away gently.

"Well, that's good to hear. Maybe with the star quarterback setting an example for the rest of the crowd, McKinley High would be a much better school to survive in." She didn't know what came over her. But when he was moving in towards her, all Rachel could think of was how his lips would have tasted on hers. She scolded herself mentally for being a hypocrite and acting like another dumb cheerleader. There was no way Rachel Berry would associate herself with another one of those materialistic girls at school.

"Okay now enough stalling and get back to your book." She commanded.

Finn knew that perhaps he had taken a step too far and did as he was told before things became weird between them.

"Okay, so I've summarized some of the more important facts for you. Read through the highlighted pages and key points at each chapter once more before the test, and you'd be fine." Rachel instructed as she closed his textbook.

Finn leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms above his head. He looked at his watch and couldn't believe the time. He had just spent his entire Sunday revising for a test, something for which he had never done before. He watched the tiny brunette as she started packing her things, scurrying around as though she was in a hurry.

"Do you need to be somewhere else?" He started to worry that his slow learning nature may have caused her to be late for something.

"Not exactly. But I am a little hungry." She admitted. And as if to prove that she wasn't lying, her stomach grumbled loudly.

He chuckled as her face turned red with embarrassment. "Come on, let's grab dinner at Breadsticks. My treat, for being such an awesome tutor." He said as he punched her left shoulder lightly.

She raised her eyebrows and gave him a wary look. He read her expression and reassured her. "It's just a thank you dinner Rach. I think you've made it pretty clear that you're not into me like that, so this will just be me repaying you for the hard work you put in today. Total professional."

Rachel smiled and nodded.

After their dinner at Breadsticks, Finn drove Rachel back to her place. As he pulled up on the Berry's driveway, a wave of deja vu rushed through his mind as he thought about the last time he sent her home. Oh god how he yearned for the feeling of her in his arms again. He got out the truck and walked the girl to her door. Before she could let herself in, he stopped her.

"Wait. This is the moment in romantic comedies where I kiss you."

"Finn," she started. "I thought that this was just a thank you dinner. You know that I'm not into you like that."


Rachel looked up at his face and into his dark brown eyes. She gave a small smile and shook her head before replying "No" in a bare whisper that he almost missed it.

He stared at her face and grinned before holding up her chin, bringing her face closer to his. He closed his eyes, and just when his lips could touch hers, she whispered, "I can't".

He looked into her eyes and said softly, "Take a chance on me." Then, he brought her face closer again.

"I'm sorry Finn. I can't"

Then she turned around and walked into her home, closing the door behind her before he had the chance to respond.

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