chapter 3

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30 seconds left of the game. We were still ahead but by 30 points this time. My mind wasn't on the game though, it was on Ethan. My heart was racing at a fast pace. Ethan couldn't be at the game. Maybe it wasn't Grayson who posted that picture of the us singing. I did a double take, looked on insta to confirm it wasn't him. I had Kylie check to make sure it was real. She said it was very real and that I need to stop freaking out. Like okay. Not even 10 minutes later I see a post from Jack G. posting a picture of being at the game with the whole squad: Jack J., Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Alex, Nate, Ethan, Grayson... wait ETHAN! ETHAN IS HERE AT THE GAME. Kylie tapped me on the shoulder, "Look B, they boys are right over there. They're just sitting there like they're waiting for something." I basically interrogated Kylie to see if I looked presentable. She's my baby sister so of course she told me that I looked beautiful. as always, which I never believed.

 By this time, the game was over and people were leaving the stands. I really wanted to go meet the all of the boys, but my bones ached, and I knew it would not turn out the greatest. Once the majority of the people left, I dismissed myself up to the booth, little did I know the boys were by where I needed to go. 

I didn't want any attention to go towards me so I put in my ear buds and blasted Kitchen Sink. My dad was in the booth to make sure things were closing, but I needed to let him know I was leaving. I finished talking to my dad and noticed that Kyle was on the court putting away the balls. Running down the stairs I yelled to Kyle, "KYLLEEE! CONGRATS ON THE WIN BROTHA!!" He turned around and picked me up, swinging me around, "Thanks, dude. Means so much to me." Kyle put me down, "Going home already?"

"Yeah. I'm aching real bad. Eat some food for me please."

"Will do. Love you. Don't cause trouble at home." he started walking away.

"Ha. Ha. So funny." I sneered.

My mind was still on Ethan. All I wanted to do was meet him and hear his oh so gorgeous voice. Grayson posting a picture of us on instagram still has me in awe. 

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