All of a sudden I hear the door burst open, "GOOOODDDD MORRNNIINNGGGGG MISS KOLBY, MY DEAREST SISTER!" Kyle made sure that I was awake.
"Stoooppp. I'm sleeping leave me alone." I mumbled into the pillow.
"You won't be sleeping after I tell you I found a piano here!"
"What? First off, how'd you get in here? And second, there is?" I lifted my head towards Kyle.
"Dad gave me your extra key, so I could check up on you whenever and yes. Get up, get dressed and let's go alreadddyyyy." He was whining like a 5 year old.
"Fine, fine, fine. Give me ten minutes to shower and get dressed."
"Okay, meet me down stairs."
"Whatever" I was in no rush to get out of bed and start the day this early meaning how yesterday was complete shit.
The first thing I did was check my phone which had over 100 notifications about that stupid picture. I couldn't bring myself to look at anything, so I just hopped in the shower. The shower felt so refreshing once the hot water hit my skin. I could feel my stress was slowly leaving. My head started to clear out and my bones started to ache less. I knew I couldn't stay long in the shower otherwise Kyle would be upset and the last thing I want to do is upset anyone again.
I wasn't sure what to wear, not really up for showing my thighs; people don't need to see the scars and on my arms too. I'm ashamed of them. So. I decided to wear Nike leggings, with a baggy MSU Nike sweater. Maybe if I go outside, then I'll change, but I'm not sure what I'm doing today.
After I got dressed, I grabbed my phone, my hotel key and headed down to the lobby where Kyle was at. Reaching the lobby area, I see Kyle with.. Ethan. And Grayson? That's weird.
"Kolby! Took you long enough" I just smile and nod. I didn't want to speak in front of either of the twins even though I talked to Ethan last night. "Um, dad is in the lobby with your meds. He said that I needed to send you his way once I saw you."
"Oh. Okay, thank you. I'll be right back." I walk towards where my dad was at. Every morning I have to take all of my meds and I can't forget about any of them or I'll get a huge headache and possibly sick to my stomach. "Hey dad. You have my meds?"
"Yeah. The milk and juice are right over there to take them with."
I fetched myself some milk since I haven't eaten anything yet. I downed all of my meds in a hurry, so I could get back to Kyle. For some reason, Kyle was fascinated when I played the piano. His favorite song was Piano by Ariana Grande. Don't ask me why because I could not answer you.
"Alright. Why'd you drag me here?" I said sitting down on the piano stool.
"Is that even a question?" he laughed.
"Nope, sorry." I threw my hands in the air like I was surrendering, "I'm assuming Piano."
"No, actually. I was wondering if you and I could play Crazy Train?"
"Of course. What part do you want?"
"I honestly don't care. Just start playing and I'll come in."
"Alright" Soon my hands just take over and I start playing the bass part. Not much later, Kyle comes in with his part. About a minute into the piece, we start to get people watching us like no other. My face was getting red and I could feel people taking pictures. Without any hesitation, I stopped playing and ran out of the lobby rushing back up to my room. Making sure no one else got into the elevator behind me, I hit the button and started to tear up. What Addy did haunts me, so with other people taking pictures of me, I automatically start thinking the worst of things. The elevator reached my floor, I was frantically looking for my room key, not paying any attention to where I was going I ran into someone. "I'm so sorry, I was looking for my key so I wasn't watching where I was going." wiping my tears, basically out of breath I was trying to defend myself.
"It's okay Kolby. Come here, I'll help you get to your room." I didn't realize that Ethan left the lobby. He grabbed my hand and put his arm around my shoulder making sure I was secure.
"What happened this time?"
"Kyle and I were playing the piano down in the lobby. I guess people liked our playing and they were gathering around us like no other. They were taking pictures of us and I heard laughing and I just thought of the worst things possible. Without a second thought, I got up and ran away. It was the only thing that came to mind."
"Awe Kolby, I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I'm just really sensitive to everything still, I guess. I'll probably text Kylie and tell her that I don't feel like going out today... Yeah. I'm gonna do that."
"Hey, I remember you were going to tell me what makes you happy.."
"Looks like we've arrived at my room." I tried changing the subject.
"You're not getting off that easily" he steps in front of the door so I couldn't get in.
"Fine. But I'm not explaining it out here. You never how who could be eavesdropping."
"Of course, so I'll just take this" he took the key out of my hand and slid it in the door to open it. "And make myself comfortable right over here." he made his way to my bed where it was still unmade. He crawled under the blankets because "he was cold". "Alright sit down and talk to me."
"It's going to be awkward once I tell you."
"Probably not, just tell me already." he said patting the bed motioning me to sit down.
"When I'm around y-.. no I can't. Oh my god. What am I doing?" I walk into the bathroom and throw cold water on my face. I didn't even bother closing the door. I fell to the ground and brought my knees up to my chest. Rocking back and forth, I figure out how to open up. Still in the same position, I just say it, "You make me happy, Ethan." I hear footsteps coming towards my way. Ethan sits down next to me, wraps his arms around me and snuggles his face into my neck. "I knew it."
"What? How?" I questioned
"I just knew that I was not the only one who felt the same connection. The way you acted around me, I could just tell."
"Well, congrats, you got it out of me." the floor got uncomfortable, so I tried to get up and go lay down.
"Thank you for finally telling me." He helps me up off of the floor since he saw me struggling. Then he saw my arm with all of the cuts on it. "Wait." he takes my arm and kisses every single cut, "I want you to know that you are beautiful with or without your pain." I was in awe when he did what he did. My eyes were starting to tear up, so I just grabbed him and held him close to me. My head was on his heart and I could hear his heart beating. I didn't want this moment to end, but I knew it needed to. I didn't want anyone to get in trouble on the first full day of vacation.
"Hey, I was wondering if this can continue a little later? I would like to get some sleep and get rest for a bit. When I wake up from my nap I can call you?" A smile was all over my face like I was a little child.
"Yeah of course. Just give me a ring. Sleep well, Kolby." he kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I fell asleep not too long after he left.

It Feels Right
FanficWhen your family has a lot of fame built into it, extraordinary things happen. One of them happens to be love from Ethan Dolan. Although, it's not easy to speak out when you're held back by this darkness you're in. It's hard to love when grow up bei...