the # that comes after 13

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Later that day, I was headed to the airport which was about an hour away from the house. I ended up getting there about 20 minutes early so I can greet her when she gets off the plane right away. Making my way into the building I see a familiar person of what looked like Hayes Grier. I guess the crew was leaving Michigan to go back to L.A. He turned around just as I was staring at him, "Hey Kolby!" He greeted me with a hug.

"Oh hi, Hayes!"

"How are you doing?"

"Could be better, but ya know" pointing to my ankle.

"Yeah I getcha. What happened?"

"I was practicing my jump shots and fell on my ankle wrong, and Ethan wrapped it for me."

"Oohhh Kolby's got a little girl crush on Ethan! Boys check it out, Ethan wrapped her ankle for her. Oohh." the boys all cooed at it and patted my back like I accomplished something. I don't really know.

 "So what are you doing here? Not meaning to sound rude, but curiosity."

"I'm picking up my sister, Kierston. She's staying with us for a while and is suppose to help me plan my Papaw's funeral." nothing but a fake smile on my face. 

"Awe. I'm so sorry for you loss. If there's anything we can do, let us know." 

"Ah it's alright. Everyone is fine. Besides I don't have any of y'alls numbers" I lightly giggled.

"We can always change that. Are you sure everyone is?" he put air quotes around 'everyone' like he knew that I wasn't okay.

"Um, yeah. But hey I gotta go and looks like you have to as well. It was so great to finally meet you and the guys. I know Kylie enjoyed your company." They didn't have to, but I needed to escape that conversation. 

"Thank you for letting us come over. It was a blast. And Kylie, my word. She's beautiful. Oh! I need your number so we all can keep in touch." 

"Oh right. Would you like me to put it in your phone?" 

"Good idea" Hayes hands me his phone to put in my number. Typing it in I realized that it would be a better idea to type in Kylie's number instead. 

"There ya go bud." I gave him an assuring smile.

"Thank you! I'll text you later or something." he gives me a hug and I walk away from the boys.

 I call Kylie right away to tell her what I have done so that she won't get surprised and get mad at me. Kylie picks up the phone not even two rings later; "Yo sista"

"Hey! I have some news to tell you please don't be mad at me." 

"What is it?" She asked puzzled.

"I ran into Hayes at the airport and-" Kylie interrupted me. 

"And what?"

"He asked for my number so we all could stay in touch but-" 

"BUT WHAT" she interrupted me again.

"First off you need to learn to stop cutting me off and second, I didn't put in my number in his phone.. I put in yours." there was a good moment of silence before she spoke again. 

"OH MY GOD, KOLBY! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" She was practically screaming my ear off through the phone. I'm sure the China could hear her. My lord. 

"So you're not mad?" 

"Nooooo. How could I be?"

"I don't know. But hey, I gotta go get Kierston. I'll see you in a bit. Love you, bye."
"K. Love you, bye."

As I started to make my way to the gate, Kierston was already making her way to get her luggage. I screamed and ran into her arms. It's been forever since I've seen her. I even started crying because I've missed her so much. We got her luggage and made our way back to the truck. We couldn't stop talking. Our conversations were always the best. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you're finally here! Literally the one thing I've been looking forward to." I couldn't contain my happiness.

"Awe dear. I've missed you so much. You look pretty good for having such a rough few days, but then again, you always look pretty hot no matter what." She giggled at her statement and I kind of lost it because I never thought that I was all that pretty.

"Thanks, Kier. So how are you and Josh?"

"Okay, I'm going to tell you something that I haven't told anyone yet. Promise you won't say anything?" She held out her pinky finger to make me promise. I gave her my promise, "Josh and I planned a wedding day! He already found his groomsman, but I still need a bridesmaid."

"Did you ask your bestie? What's her name again?" I asked taking a quick glance at her. 

"No. I have someone else in mind actually." 

"Oh really? Who?"

"You. Would you like to be my bridesmaid?" I wanted to jump and scream, but I knew I couldn't since I was driving.

"YES! Oh my gosh, I would be honored to be your bridesmaid!"

"Aw yay!! I can't wait. Thank you so much, Kolbs." she clapped. 

"No, no, thank you!" We continued to keep talking about her and Josh and the plans they have for the wedding. It was the best conversation that I've had all week; well besides the one I had with Ethan earlier, but that doesn't count, he's not family. I felt special for being the first to know about their wedding. Ah! I can't wait.   

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