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All of the crying and stress must have drained my energy because I woke up the next day, then I realized I basically blew off Ethan. I scurried for my phone to make a quick phone call. I knew I needed to make it up to him some how. Hurriedly looking for his contact, I finally found it. The phone was ringing on the other side, "Hello?" He said with a dark, raspy voice.

"Oh my god, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry." I whispered

"It's alright. Is everything okay? And there's no need to whisper" he giggled with that sleepy voice.

"Turns out that I slept through the night and blew you off. I wanted to call and see if I could make it up today? Maybe?"

"Yeah, I figured you were pretty tired from everything going on. I'm down for today. Have anything in mind?"

"Not really. I'm not sure where we'd go since I'm from Michigan" I scratched my head. 

"Alright, I'll make a deal. If you wear my shirt today, then I'll take you for a tour."

"Your shirt? Why your shirt? Why can't I just buy you breakfast or something?"

"Well, if you wear my shirt then I know what to look for if I lose you somewhere during the tour."

"Oh. Alright. Whatever will help you sleep at night then."

"And this will. I'll be in your room in five."

"Alright, see ya"


For some reason my skin got all warm and tingly inside. I felt excited yet so nervous at the same time, but why? I've spent time with Ethan before, so why was today any different?

"Knock, knock, knock." I heard outside the door, like he was too lazy to actually knock on the door. "KNOCK KNOCK" literally jumping, I ran to the door.

"Sorry, I was staring into space."

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm great. I was just zoning out I guess."

"Ah I see. Well here's my shirt for you to wear."

"Thank you. I still have to take a shower because a girl cannot take one in five minutes." I said giggling.

"What do you mean you can't? I can." he was making his way over to the bed so he could sit.

"I'm not even going to go there with you." I playfully pushed him.

"Excuse you ma'am, but it's rude to push people. Did anyone teach you that?"

"Not that I remember, no." I winked at him and went into the bathroom to shower.

"HURRY UP. I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY." he proclaimed.

There's just no way that I could take a fast shower. I just can't. I like to make sure that I'm squeaky clean. But I can't say that I didn't try because I almost forgot to wash out my hair, fell out of the tub, hit my head on the wall, I was just a mess.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Yep. Just trying to take a fast shower like you asked!"

"I wasn't being serious, my goodness."

"Well, I don't know you that well to know your humor, jeez."

"I guess, just hurry up now that you're out of the shower."

"Chill dude. I'm putting my shirt on now. I mean your shirt. Sorry." Walking out of the bathroom, I see Ethan turn around with a huge smile on his face.
"Wow. You look...amazing."

"You know how to charm people don't you?"

"I try, I guess you could call it a specialty."

"Well thank you very much kind sir."

"Shall we go?'

"Yes we shall." Ethan intertwined his fingers in between mine. He leads us to the door, and to the elevator. On the way to the elevator, we run into Addy and Kens. Not the people that I'm a huge fan of especially Addy, "Hey Kolby, your sister talked to me and I wanted to apologize."

"I forgive you because it's the right thing to do, but what you did hurt me in ways you would never know, so I'd appreciate it if you would stay away from me please."

"I understand." she walks away like she was about to cry, which I don't understand since she chose to do this to herself. Maybe it was the regret she was holding inside. But that didn't matter at the moment because I was focused on Ethan and our day that's ahead of us. Just the feeling of his hand in mine was so warming and, and comforting. It's like a dream come true.

Once we got into the elevator, I got this feeling like someone was staring at me and the only other person that was in the elevator was Ethan. I turned my head, meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I was just capturing this moment. Our hands tangled together, everything."

"No need to apologize. I don't mind it at all because I was thinking about the same thing."

"Good" he wrapped me into his arms without a question. I felt protected in his hugs, like I have nothing to worry about. My head was snuggled into his chest. His cologne was perfect on him. I didn't want the hug to end, but we arrived to the first floor. 

There were eyes at the elevator; fans. Not any kind of fans, screaming fans. The kind that like to scream in that really annoying, high pitch scream and tackle whoever they are waiting for. This time it was Ethan's turn. 

He didn't seem to mind it at all, but I felt like hiding. But never once did he let go of me. It was tough walking through the crowd of fans. All they wanted was to capture him and take him away, but he kindly responded with "Sorry ladies, I'm busy today. Another time I promise." and ended it with his dreamy smile and his "famous" wink. "I'm sorry Kolby, I didn't know they would be here."

"It's alright." I had to make sure he knew that it wasn't a bad thing because it really wasn't, I just felt weird. The fact that he told them all that he was busy made me feel important though. I was actually really happy and I didn't want it to end. It felt great to finally feel like something

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