We all got up from being on the couch; Kylie headed to my room so she wouldn't be alone and Kyle went downstairs to call Kaedyn, Kendal and Kiersten. I went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge for myself and Kylie. Before I could leave the kitchen, Ethan called my name, "Kolby?" He followed me.
"Yo" I longate the word, turning around.
"I'm sorry about your day. I didn't realize how much your grandpa meant to you, plus all of us boys practically ignoring you. You deserve a better." He seemed very sympathetic, which I'm not a huge fan of, in all honesty.
"Oh, Ethan. It's alright." We made our way back to the couch and sat down. He was looking at the floor to avoid contact. I knew that he felt bad, but he didn't need to.
"It's just.. my heart hurts for you. I'm not sure why it does, but it just does. I barely know you and you already mean so much to me. This just isn't fair to you nor your family. If there's anything that I can do to help, please, let me know. I'm willing to do anything for you."
"Thank you so much. It means the absolute world to me, it really does. One thing you can start with is to not feel bad okay?" I giggled giving him a hug.
"Alright alright." He managed to get a smile on his face. Ethan returned the hug that I gave him, but apparently I hugged him pretty tight, "Hugs are always a nice thing after a long day" we both giggled. Not gonna lie, I didn't want to let go, but I had to because Kylie was waiting for me and I knew she was probably crying.
"I'll see you in the morning Ethan. If you need anything, my room is the second door on the right. My name is on it so it shouldn't be that hard."
"Thank you Kolby. If you need anything, you know where I'm at as well. Sleep tight."
"You too" a smile was all over my face, and it wouldn't leave.
As I headed up the stairs, I passed Grayson, and let him know that him and Ethan are sleeping in the guest room downstairs and Ethan should already be in there. He thanked me and went on.

It Feels Right
FanfictionWhen your family has a lot of fame built into it, extraordinary things happen. One of them happens to be love from Ethan Dolan. Although, it's not easy to speak out when you're held back by this darkness you're in. It's hard to love when grow up bei...