Ethan. It sounded like Ethan..
The next thing I knew, I woke up in a solid white hospital room. I could hear the beeps from the heart monitor, and people talking outside of my room. My dad was sitting in the chair by the hospital bed, asleep. When did he get here? Where's Kyle or Kylie? I opened my mouth, yet nothing came out. I tried speaking repeatedly until I finally make a dim noise. My dad woke up instantly, and rushed over to my bed side.
"Dad? Where's Kyle and Kylie?" I looked around confused. In all honesty, I didn't really care if they were here, I wanted to see if Ethan would be here. If I wanted anyone right this moment, it would be him.
"Kolby, sweetheart. I'm glad you're okay. Kyle is sleeping in the truck, and Kylie is at home along with Kensleigh, and the boys." I shook my head in response.
"Can I go home please? I don't want to be here anymore." my eyes burned from all of the crying the previous night. My stomach didn't feel too good either. Let alone my throat stinging from yelling.
"Not until they think that your stomach is all clear. The last update was that you needed to eat a full meal, and keep it down for an two hours straight before you can be released."
"I don't want to eat anything, I just want to go home."
"Honey, you need to eat something that way you can." he takes my hand in his.
"How long did you say that I need to keep it down again?"
"Two hours"
"Fine. Where's the food at?" I was bound, and determined to keep this food down.
"I'll call the nurse." he smiled.
About fifteen minutes later, the nurse comes in with a tray of food. There was a little bowl of Lucky Charms, an orange, orange juice, and some milk. I devoured it all in less than ten minutes. The nurse came back to take the empty tray, "Kolby, you have a few visitors that would like to see you, sweetheart."
"Oh. Alright, thank you." the lovely nurse walked out of the room. The next thing I knew Makaela, my cousin, and Ethan walk in "Hey there young blood. What's cookin' good lookin'?" Makaela was always the odd duckling, but that's what makes her my favorite.
"Nothing much. Just laying here waiting to get discharged. How are you? It's been like 10 years and forever, man." no eye contact with Ethan whatsoever. There was no way I could look him into his eyes after what happened.
"I'm okay. Nothing really extraordinary. When can you leave?" she shrugged, and sat on the bed.
"Whenever these two hours are up." rolling my eyes.
"Two hours?!" she had wide eyes.
"Yeah. They said that if I ate a meal, I have to keep it down for two hours before they can discharge me."
"Ah gotcha. How long has it been?"
"Literally fifteen minutes." I said hopelessly. The same nurse from earlier comes into my room again only with the surgeon this time. He goes to my dad, shakes his hand, then turns to me, "Okay sweetie, Dr. Sheppard, the surgeon that did your surgery last night, is going to give you all of the information you need before you can leave today, okay?" she smiled innocently, and walked out.
"Good morning, Miss Izzo." he greeted me with a warm smile, "we cleared your stomach out, so everything is good to go. You will need to be careful the next few days when you eat. Even though we cleared your stomach, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's fully healed. I made a list of things that you should stay away from until you feel better. Absolutely no grease. Stay clear of any kind of sodas, and be careful with your sodium intake. Other than that, you should be good to go. I recommend drinking mostly water. It will help flush out everything, and help the healing process go faster, okay?" he was very gentle, and calm with me "Any questions for me?"
"Um, not that I think of. Thank you, sir." I gave a small smile.
"No problem, dear. I'm going to have the nurse check everything real quick, one last time, and see if I can get you out of here sooner than that dumb two hour rule." he winked while smiling, and walked out.
Shortly after he left, the nurse came in. She checked all of the monitors and IV levels, "Looks like you are good to go, Missy. I'll go check you out while you get dressed. When you are finished, just meet me at the front desk, and you'll be on your way!"
"Thank you." I smiled at her. As she was leaving the room, my dad handed me my bag with some clean clothes to change to. I had a hard time getting up from the bed because my body is still weak. Ethan rushes over to help me up to reach the bathroom. We exchanged looks, and that was about it. But I was more focused on getting out of this hospital. My bed was calling my name. I just wanted to cuddle my puppies, and lay in bed watching Netflix. Although, I was wondering why Kens did nothing to help me. Out of all people, I would think that she would be by my side, even if we weren't talking. I guess I was wrong this whole time.

It Feels Right
FanfictionWhen your family has a lot of fame built into it, extraordinary things happen. One of them happens to be love from Ethan Dolan. Although, it's not easy to speak out when you're held back by this darkness you're in. It's hard to love when grow up bei...