cHapteR foUr

19 2 0

When I got home, I had to take care of my babies, Leia, Luke and Hercules. My bones were aching a lot as well. If I didn't mention it before, I have health issues. That means big events, like basketball games, wear me out easily. Mostly because of my arthritis though. I got into the house and was happily greeted by my babies. I did all I needed to do for them: let them out for a run, gave them food and water, let them in, gave them love, all of that jazz. 

I went upstairs for a hot bubble bath to relax. The hot tub was open but I didn't feel like taking a shower to wash off the chemical smell afterwards. The warm water was such a great medicine. It felt great to just relax and listen to music, until the family got home and what sounded like guests? I hurried up with my bath and put on some comfy clothes with my hair in a messy braid. The noise was getting louder by the minute it seemed like. Out of nowhere, Kyle knocked on my door, "Hey Kolbs, Kens brought some friends home and asked me to come and get you. Are you feeling up to it?"

"I'm still achey, but I'm hungry, so I'll make my way down downstairs in a minute. Thank you"

"No problem"

I couldn't believe my eyes. Freaking Ethan Dolan was in my house, along with the whole squad. How did they end up here? Why did my dad allow this? Not complaining but still. How?

My hunger was getting worse. I made my way down the stairs and got a strange craving for a hot pocket. As I was walking I acted like I didn't notice the boys, but I knew they were there looking at me walk by. There is this heavy feeling in my chest of what felt like someone staring at me just like earlier. It kind of made me feel a little uncomfortable, at the same time I didn't even care. I arrived in the kitchen, got myself a hot pocket and put it in the microwave. While I was waiting for my food to get done, I went back to the fridge to grab a gatorade then someone tapped my shoulder, "Whatcha doin Kolby?" Kens seemed suspicious.

"I'm getting some food. My stomach is growling and my bones hurt." saying like it's pretty obvious. 

"You should have gone to dinner with us. Plus, you could've met everyone there instead of here. I would like it if you would introduce yourself." she said 

"I don't feel good, can I meet them later?" I said sleepily. 

"Can you at least stand there while I introduce you?" 

"Yeah I guess. But please don't take long. I really don't feel good. I just wanna eat and go to bed." 

"Alright fine." She grabs my wrist--since my hands were full--, drags me to the livingroom where the boys were at. "Hey guys. This is my twin sister, Kolby. You probably saw her singing the National Anthem with me and Kylie at the game. She also started all of the cheers with the Izzone students. But, she's not feeling well, so she's gonna go hibernate in her room."

"It was nice to meet y'all. Have fun." Ethan looked at me while I was talking. Oh my gosh, his eyes are so perfect. After Kens introduced me, I made my way back up to my room. I ate my hot pocket and drank a little bit of my gatorade before I dozed off into a nice slumber. I finally felt relaxed until Kens woke me up. It must have been late or something because I looked out my window and it was dark, "What do you want Kens?" turning over on my other side. 

"God, you're so lazy. Come hang out with me and the guys pleeeaasseeeee." 

"Shut up Kens, god dang. Let me sleep. I'm tired." I threw a pillow which missed her. 

"But Kolllbbyyyyy, Ethan is waiting for you." she tried persuading. 

"I'm sure he's not waiting for me. Besides I'm so tired. Can I hang out with everyone tomorrow?" I put finger quotes around "waiting" because I was sure he wasn't actually waiting for me. 

"Ugh Kolby, please. It'll be fun!"

"Tomorrow please?." 

"No. You're hanging out with them now. Only for a little bit."

"Fiiinneeeee." I get out of bed, fix my hair and grab my fuzziest blanket I had to wrap myself in.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." she jumped with joy.

"Fine. Whatever. Let's just go" basically pushing her out of my room. We walk down the stairs and I see the boys on all on their phones, laughing, cracking jokes to each other. They looked like angels. Especially Ethan.

"Hey guys, look you came down to join us" Kens said confidently. I just smiled and nodded. Found my way down to the living room, there was no where to sit. I went into the game room and grabbed a bean bag. My tiredness was getting to me. I felt like I could fall asleep, but I knew I couldn't otherwise Kens would have killed me. 30 minutes past and I have said nothing, just looking around the room and at all of the boys' faces when they talked. It was kind of awkward. I'm just sitting here doing nothing probably looking like a tired idiot watching boys talk. I could be sleeping to gain some energy for the next day, but no, I'm sitting here to accommodate Kens. Everyone is still on their phones laughing at something stupid or making a vine. 

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