ten + 1

21 2 0

Throughout the night I woke up sobbing. I kept having dreams about Papaw and all of the fun times we had. It was hard to let him go especially since I just recently saw him what seemed like minutes ago, My head was overflowing, and I needed to clear it, but it was too late to play piano. 

Eventually I got out of bed, grabbed my phone for light, headed down stairs to get a cold glass of water since my bottle was empty. I tried not to make a lot of noise since the boys were probably sleeping well. Once I hit the floor, I looked to see if their door was closed, I mean it looked like it was closed, so I turned on the light. I reached for a glass in the cupboard, then one of the glasses fell on the floor, making glass shatter and end up all over the floor. I tried to be careful when reaching for the broom, but I ended up getting glass in my foot.

 I cursed under my breath trying really hard not to wake anyone, yet in every ounce of pain. My foot was bleeding, my head was pounding and my heart was hurting. I cleaned up the glass first to make sure that I wouldn't step in more. Once that was done, I tried to clean my foot, and ended up getting the glass out, although the bleeding didn't stop, but my knees kinda just gave up which led me to slide down to the floor.

 This was the moment where I reached my breaking point. I buried my face into my knees crying softly. The room felt like it was spinning and my head was about to fall off. My crying finally calmed down after a bit then I heard footsteps walking my way. "Kolby?" I heard Ethan ask as he got closer to me, "Oh god, what happened to you?" he saw the blood on the floor and then looked at my foot, "Come here, I'll take take of you." He picked me up in his arms and set me on the counter.

"I tried so hard not to make any noise. I'm so sorry." I sniffled. I didn't want to make any eye contact. He gets a wet paper towel, gently washing off the blood, which didn't want to stop running.

"It's okay. It's okay. Things like this happen all of the time when people are under a lot of stress and are overwhelmed to the max. Everyone will understand, it'll be okay." Still cleaning my foot, he asks where the bandages are, I pointed to the guest bathroom. 

Soon after he went to the bathroom, I just sat there crying. I don't know what has gotten into me. My body feels restless. Ethan got back and I was craving to be in his arms. He wrapped up my foot which finally stopped bleeding. After he was done, he sat down next to me on the counter.We kind of just sat there in silence for what felt like half an hour, but was actually 5 minutes. He scooted closer and brought me into his arms. It felt like I found my safe haven in someone. I was holding onto him with a good grip. It not only calmed me down, but I just didn't want him to leave me just yet.

"You know, you don't have to always hold me everytime I break down, but I'm glad that you do." I say playfully, "You don't have to let go anytime soon."

"I'm sorry. It's just the protective guy in me I guess. And I'm glad, it's the least I could do. Trust me I won't." he was pretty sincere about his statement.

"Ahhh I see. Well sometimes a girl has to cry when she's hurt."

"I mean I guess, but is it a crime to hold a girl when she's hurt? All I want is for you to be able to find some peace and reassurance." he giggled

"No, not at all. Also, thank you for that. I surely have found both of those in you already." I don't know what it was about Ethan, but he always seemed to get the best out of me. As the time went on he could tell I was exhausted. 

Jumping off of the counter, he held out his arms. "C'mon let's get you to the couch". At first Ethan just sat there holding me until I fell asleep. Once I did, he decided to sleep on the other couch so I wouldn't be by myself throughout the night, just in case I had another break down.

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