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It was one hell of a tiring hunt.

King Dhasharath of Ayodya, was losing hope of catching anything at all today! He was known to be a mighty warrior of his age but today he had failed to catch even the tiniest of an animal.

It was almost sunset, the forest was dense and he had steered away from his bodyguards. He steered his horse in order to head back but at the eleventh hour, his ears picked up a noise.

He stopped his horse dead in its tracks and veered to the direction of sound and readied his bow. He quickly notched an arrow and took aim,h is eyes were pretty sharp and he could spot a figure that vaguely looked like a deer.

He was desperate to hit something and so he pulled the string and held his breath.

'O Lord, let this arrow hit it's target he made a silent prayer and released the string.

The arrow flew with a whoosh sound and hit the target.

His heart leaped with joy...but it did not last long.

Not in the three worlds did he expect to hear a human cry!!

He quickly galloped towards the sound and when he reached the source, his heart skipped a beat. There, by the river bed, lay the body of a young boy with an arrow painfully protruding from his back. Next to him lay the broken pieces of an earthen pot.

Dhasarath's world darkened for a second.

He had killed an innocent boy just out of his stupid desperation to make a kill!! An innocent and unsuspecting boy is dead now because of his desperation to hunt! Dasharath had never felt so guilty ever before, not even when he had taken millions of lives in the battlefields...it was different for they were innocent.

He was startled from his thoughts as he heard voices, turning his head to his left, he found an elderly couple.

' My son!? Are you okay? What is it my boy?!?!' The old man spoke.

To add to his despair, the couple was blind. Dasharath could feel the weight of his actions weighing his whole soul down as he realised that they boy was whom this couple depended on, he had killed their window to this world, with one arrow.

Guilt threatened to choke him.

He walked to them and knelt down as his crown fell and rolled to the old man's feet. Then man stopped mid sentence. A light of confusion shone in his eyes as he slowly began to understand what was happening.

' Who is it?!?' He spoke a bit loudly.

' What have you done to my son?' A little louder this time.

' Am the King of Ayodhya, old man' he said as he managed to keep his eyes from spilling tears.

'My lord! What brings you here? What happened to my son?' The man said.

'Please forgive this poor bastard, this sinned soul has killed you poor son!' He said as his voice broke with sorrow.

The couple's face hardened.

' Noooo...this cannot happen !! My son!!' Wailed the old lady and broke down in a stream of tears, Dasharath didn't blame her, he could never imagine what it meant to the boy's mother to lose her beloved child. But the man reacted the opposite way.

'You! You killed my son!! My only son!!
You caused the death of an innocent boy for your pleasures!!'"

He bellowed furiously. Dasharath knew there was something significant happening, he could feel it in his guts. And the maddening speed of the river, the terror he could sense in the skies and the deafening cries of the winds that blew past them only meant bad omen.

' I am so sorry, it was a mistake!I shall accept any punishment you give me !' Dhasarath managed to say weakly.

' I shall not make it easy O King!
Just like how I will suffer henceforth after the separation of my son, you shall suffer. You shall suffer from the pain of losing your most beloved son! You shall die out of pain! My king! I curse you!'

 The old man screamed at the top of his voice.

The Story Of Prince Ram (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now