Chapter 29

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Drowning...she was sure. This was what drowning felt like. 

The only difference was that it wasn't water.





The gigantic pairs of cymbals sprung the hall to life. The sounds seemed to swirl around and dance to the rhythmic beats booming from the drums.  Almost a dozen of her kingdom's musicians and many from other kingdoms had arrived here this morning, to hype the ceremony up. They were all dressed in a white dhoti, a red angavastram around their waist and a huge red turban on their heads. There were so many instruments that seemed to hum numerous kinds of chords, so powerful that she felt them melt into her bones.

Twenty four beautiful women who could provide Apsaras a tough competition thrummed with euphoria as they swirled around in a big circle, clad in bright red lehengas, clapping their hands simultaneously as they bounced around to the fast beat.

Behind them, Sita could only spot heads! There were so many of them that her head felt like it was caught in a thundering tornado! But all their faces had one thing in common. Their eyes filled with inexplicable joy and a huge smile was adorning their joyous faces, they seemed to overwhelm her. 

So many of her people had gathered today in the Royal palace and even outside the gates, solely to witness Sita's wedding. Their princess.

 'The most awaited event of the year', they called it. Sita surely didn't know about this until a few days ago. 

She let her eyes wander around the hall.

She spotted all of her immediate relations. Her mother, she had never seen her mother so well-dressed ever before! Although many would call this too simple for a queen, for her mother it almost seemed too extravagant. Her beautiful sky blue saree that adorned her simple figure seemed to radiant joy just as much as her face. She wore a haaram, that Sita knew very well, was not just any haaram. It was gifted to her by Sita's grand-mother when she was wedded to the king of Mithila, her father. 

Her father wasn't clothed as a king. But his posture, her eyes filled with love, pride and such compassion that made Sita's heart melt, all of it seemed to have woven into  a crown that made no one doubt that he was none other than their beloved king.

She forced her head to look around further. She spotted Ram's family. 

Oh Lord Rudra! Did he bring his whole kingdom with him? My goodness that sure isn't his immediate family...or was it? 

Sita's mind already began to contemplate how many times she had to bend to get all their blessings. 

Her eyes caught something. Sita's breath hitched up in her throat, as she saw the most beautiful women in all the three worlds! Her skin in a perfect stretch, smooth and clean. she was tall and fit, not too thin or too curvy. Her hair seemed to precariously slide down till her waist, like the night sky had decided to dip into a river that reflected the milk-like moonlight.  Her cobalt-blue sari was draped around her sleek figure, the small stones stitched into them seemed to sparkle like starlight as they caught the light from the chandleirs high above the ceiling.  

Who was this angel?

Before she could ponder on that question, she noticed the woman's eyes fixed somewhere, and a faint smile playing along her lips.

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