Chapter 30

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Dear readers,

I have tried my best to make this an auspicious and memorable experience for us! But if you cannot get enough of it, I highly recommend reading my dear friend's Three shot series.

It is called ||Sita Kalyana Vaibhogame|| by @Kamalanayani23 , it is one of the best I have experienced and read and I would love it if you guys check it out!!

Marriage had always been known as the turning point of a woman's life. And it probably meant more than that for a princess.

But all Sita could think about was why no one had ever mentioned how tiresome it could be! Teary, she had heard that, but not in the three realms did she think it was because of the smoke! Lord Rudra! She was sure by now that her in-laws would assume she didn't like this at all.

Great now, even before she stepped into their kingdom they would have wonderful impressio-

"Sita" his whisper brought her reeling mind to a halting stop. His husky voice deepened into a whisper sent her heart fluttering about. For a fraction of a second she almost considered not responding just so he would do that again, but decided against it.

She threw a sideways glance at him and raised her eyebrows, swiftly avoiding anyone's attention. Sita wasn't surprised to see Ram's eyes red from the smoke that seemed to surround them, but surprisingly even then his eyes seemed to radiate like the Sun amidst the dark universe. Like Brahman himself.

"Anytime now, you will be bound to me for all of eternity..." he whispered. But this time, his voice seemed to catch now and then, he seemed almost ..nervous. Sita understood the gravity of the situation, how they would be known to everyone as Pathi and Pathni. But his choice of words was what bothered her.

She caught his eyes and spoke through hers.

'What is it my prince?'

Ram's eyes seemed to soften a bit, 'It's just, I can't promise you anything now, you will have to leave your home and-'

'Home is where my people are, your people are mine now, Ram. Do not worry about the future, I am sure that we will be able to face it if we are together' she replied and let her lips tug up slowly. The rest of the time she found herself lost in his smile.

Right when she thought she would never find her way back to the hall, she felt a sharp tug to her left. Her mother was kneeling down close to her, and leaned to whisper something.

"Save those for later my dear, you will have a thousand years together and some more" her mother said tucking in a stray strand of her behind her ears. Sita found colour rushing onto her cheeks but she held her head down to hide it.

It all starts here, she thought.

A new life.


It was a scene that the gods wished to never forget. The Divine Wedding of prince Ram and princess Sita.

The hall seemed to have a life of its own. Alive with the smiles that shone on millions of faces eagerly waiting for the couple to finish those seven rounds. Seven rounds around the Agnikoot and they would we tied together as one.

Men and women clad in bright clothes danced around the hall, beating drums and clapping cymbals. The whole hall was decorated with all sorts of flowers from marigold to lilies and lotuses. The smell of the cackling, pure flame of promises and the sweet scent of nectar seemed to fuse perfectly well, etching themselves into memories of time. They sky seemed to glow with a light of its own, that seemed to find numerous ways to seep into the hall through windows to get a view. The hall was lit with so many candles and torches and the natural light seemed to add on to the beauty as it enhanced the Prince's natural smile and the Princess's beautiful eyes. It was as though all of the universe ad been waiting for this very moment in time to shower glory upon them.

This wedding was no ordinary one.

All the gods were peering from the skies to bear witness to this event. The whole of Mithila held their hearts in their mouth, tears of joy trickled down their flushed cheeks. Their has finally found the man of honour. The one man who can uphold her dignity and pride as though she was the apple of his eye.

And so the bride and the groom rose. To circle the Agnikoot.

Guru Vishwamitra speaks aloud to the eager crowd and the bride and groom.

"Marriage is not just a status int eh society my children. It is the union of two souls. A person completes his family and societal duties by marrying. I bless both of you with a prosperous life and may the gods always guide you in the path of Dharma."

As soon as his voice quietens the crowd, Guru Vashishta begins the holy chants.

This was it. And with a sudden flash of light, the hall seemed to glow with an other-worldly radiance. Everything other than the bride and the groom was blotted out by the divine glow, their pristine presence marked by the sheer brightness of the light. This however did not hinder the prince's mind.

This was the moment. He had been waiting for this for how long not even the gods knew. As he held his beloved's hand in his and led her around the Agnikoot, the Suryavanshi made his promises.

'Sita, I will fulfill my duty by nourishing and cherishing our family'

'Ram, I will share all your sorrows and happiness equally'

'Milady, With this very bliss I willalways be with you'

'My Prince, with this honour and dignity I shall fulfill my Pathni Vrath too'

'Janaki, I promise to love you and all that is ours forever'

'Raghava, I promise my selfless love spun into a braid, a bond impossible to sever'

'Mythili, I promise to build and hold a family with peace and pleasure'

'Dasharatha putra, I promise to share my pains and gains for you are my treasure'

'My soul, my mind and heart shall all be yours, I pledge'

'I shall uphold your trust and honour above the horizon, beyond the edge'

'I give you my word, You shall prevail above all of my happiness'

'I promise you that I will complete your world and with it, us.'

'With this last round, my time and spirit has become one with yours, and so shall it be for a million years'

'Not just my husband but my Lord you are, let the stars be our charioteers.'

And with the last round, the couple complete theirs vows.

From this moment, they belong with each other.

After the necessary rituals, the bride groom applies the Sindoor on his beloved's maang.

As Ram and Sita look at each other, time seemed to stop in its tracks and admire the sheer intimacy in their eyes. Ram's eyes brim with love for his better half and Sita's eyes capture all of it with her very soul. Their heartbeats heard as one, and their souls entwined as one. They close their eyes and breathe each other in. They had miles to go and promises to keep, but together they would face them all and learn to love each other through it all. The road will be alien and rough, but in each other's hearts they would glide through it all like the wind itself.

May Lord Rudra bless them both.


Guys, I apologize if the descriptions and rituals weren't clear, but the intention of the chapter is to capture the essence of marriage . So hopefully you guys enjoyed ,please share your reviews through the comments.

P.S. Aren't these two adorable???

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