Chapter 10

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Ram looked at himself in the mirror.
His armour was perfectly set with a big sun at the center whose rays spread wide.
He checked his quiver with arrows.

Beside him Lakshman was already set with all the necessary things.

He turned around to face Bharath staring at him.

Ram smiled.
'Bharath,I certainly can understand your feelings. I do feel the same! This is the first time we are separating! I know it will be hard, but it is our duty to abide by our father's wishes!' Said Ram as placed his arm on his brother's shoulder.

'Bhaiya, the four of us have always been together! I cannot imagine a day without you in it!'said Bharath his voice quivering a little.

Ram smiled reassuringly.

'We shall never truly separate Bharath! U shall always dwell in my heart!' he said and embraced his brother.

Lakshman and Shatrugna joined them too.

And the four brothers stood there clinging on to each other.

'Brother, Matha Kaikeyi has planned to send Bharath bhaiya to Kekeya! She wants him to meet grandfather!' Cut in Shatrugna.

Ram frowned.
Father had not informed him this, nor did mother Kaikeyi.

'Does father know?' He asked as he perfectly knew that his father will not be able to bear to depart with all of his sons. Even if it was only for a few days.

Bharath looked down and shook his head.

Ram sighed. He would never approve of this! But he can't go against Matha Kaikeyi's decision.

'We are sorry.'said Bharath his voice full of guilt.

Ram simply ignored it and hugged them once more.

'Lakshman? Shall we say our good byes to our mothers?' Asked Ram killing the remorse in the atmosphere with a playful grin.

Lakshman nodded furiously.

'Our mothers would truly love it!This  is our forst time against demons!' He exclaimed.

Ram would never grow tired of this boy's enthusiasm!
But he knew better.

Kousalya fell hard on her chair.

She could hear her sisters gasp.

But everything else was blue and muffled.
Her son! He was going for war. Even if it was a minor one, it still was one!
After all he was a mere boy!

She could not imagine why Vishwamithra would want such small boys for a battle against horrifying demons!

The memory was fresh in her mind.
Every night Dhasharath would wake up sweating and panting.
Every night since the terrible accident and the horrendous curse.

Kousalya's inner voice was torturing her!
Your son! Kousalya, your son was going to die! He is going to leave you forever! Forever alone to face your terrible fate!

'Didi! You should stop fretting about our sons! They will be well protected by sage Vishwamithra!' Said Sumithra, her reassuring voice over powering Kousalya's conscience.

Kousalya knew very well that sage Vishwamithra was himself a Kshatriya before! But yet her heart raced. 

Sumithra helped her upright.

'Kousalya, Ram will be here to seek your blessings any time! The boys are super excited for their first hunt! You should not appear weak!' Said Kaikeyi.

Her last sentence hit Kousalya like a blow.

Weak? She calls you weak?

Kousalya wiped her tears and cleared her throat.

Sumithra smiled.
'At times I really feel you both make good sisters!' She said fighting hard to suppress her giggles.

Kousalya would never accept that, but perhaps they did make good sisters. If not for their egos.

Just then, Ram entered their chamber closely followed by Lakshman. Both the boys looked fierce and brave in their Suryavanshi armours.

'Matha!' Beamed Ram.

The very sight of his face erased all her worries out of this planet.

She smiled wide and hugged him.
He quickly bent down and touched each of their feet.
So did Lakshman.

'My,my! Look at our handsome princes! All set for battle, aren't we?' Said Kaikeyi as she embraced Ram.

Ram and Lakshman both nodded quite in a princely manner.

'Be safe boys! And Lakshman, please don't torture the revered sage with your lame jokes!' Joked Sumithra.

'Oh, am sure he would certainly love them!' Said Lakshman laughing.

'May you prove to be victorious!' Said Kousalya as she patted both of them on their shoulders.

They smiled and said their goodbyes and left immediately.

The moment Ram left all her hope left her heart.

Her shoulders drooped and she sat down on her chair again.

She had free herself from the grips of fear.

She knew that both Sumithra and Kaikeyi felt the same way.
But they hid it well.

'Shall we pray for their well being?' She asked.

They both smiled in approval and the three mothers headed to the pooja room.
All their hearts echoed just one thing.

Protect their sons. O Lord Rudra! Please protect them!

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