Chapter 22

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She was just few steps away. It took Ram all of his patience and will to stay put. All he had to do was take one big step and embrace her.

But the whole of Mithila would be watching!

There were numerous people who were talking excitedly, dancing around the hall, hugging each other while tears of joy flowed down their cheeks.

Ram was surrounded by many men dressed in royal clothes, their shiny army glowing brightly illuminated by the lamps carried by beautiful women. The kings seemed to be congratulating him on his victory, some shaking his hand and some messing his hair. But Ram wasn't paying attention to them at all!

All he did was deliver a polite 'Thank you' and shake their hands in return, while his eyes were steadily answered Sita's unspoken questions.

He knew it was humanly impossible, unless he was a rishi which he was not, but it just happened between them. Always.

Where do you think they'll hold the ceremony?

When was it anyway? I can't wait!

And please borrow ask your family to bring some better clothes.

I am not going to marry you when you are having that torn rags on! Not that you don't look good, just because you need to look presentable for others.

You will always be beautiful to me, but you see--

'Bhaiya!! I can't believe you did that! You just--just split the sacred bow! Wow! I can't wait to see Bhabi!' Lakshman's enormous face blocked his sight completely as he beamed with amusement.

'Lakshman I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I am a bit pre-occupied at the moment...' he said, pushing his face away slightly.

'Oh right!' said Lakshman and moved away, giggled violently.

But of course he had lost the moment! Sita was talking with her sisters whilst some people shook her hands.

Ram's shoulders drooped in disappointment. But at least he could look at her!

She looked extremely gorgeous especially when she wasn't paying attention, her hair constantly bouncing as she laughed or giggled, her hands moving elegantly as she spoke...gosh!

Did he even deserve such an exquisite woman?

'Congratulations prince Ram! You have surely been blessed by the three lords! It would've been impossible to split the bow unless Lord Rudra himself wished for it!' the deep and commanding voice of sage Vishwamithra echoed behind him.

Ram quickly spun around and touched the Rishi's feet.

'Vijayi Bhava!' he said as he gestured Ram to rise.

'My boy, you have performed well and satisfied me in all ways! Not once did I regret for choosing you for this job! I hereby free you of all your duties. Thank you.' he said as he patted Ram's shoulder.

'O sage Vishwamithra! It is my duty to help the Rishis and uphold Justice as a Kshathriya. I did nothing else but that. There is no need to thank me for i only did my duty. It was a great honor to save you, Maharishi.' he said, his head bowed down.

'Ram..Ram..Ram..' he said sighing deeply.

'The marriage will be held four days from now.' He said as a matter of fact.

Four days!! That long!

'Well, I think it's time to send a letter to you parents.' he said smiling at him.

Ram had had that in mind ever since the moment he met Sita! He was so convinced that any living being would like Sita at one glance! Or else he would've informed them before the swayamvar. Everyone would love this alliance....except maatha Kaikeyi.

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