|| A Hero's Born ||

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Dasharath had never felt so uncomfortable in his throne. For that matter he had never felt that comfortable in his throne ever, but sitting here when his wives went into labour did nothing to help that.

Though others might be seeing the King listening to an old peasant's problem, he was actually fretting about his wives. How is a man expected to sit and listen to complaints while his wives were in the labour room!!!

Dasharath had seen many unbelievable things in his life but this was something he just couldn't comprehend! He was going to be a dad!! Finally after so many years of yearning!!

He looked at the royal sage, Vasishta, who sat to his left, secretly trying to communicate his desperate wish to be with his wives. After all that's what a man should be doing and he was dying to follow suite too!

Guru Vasishta simply shook his head and gave him a stern glare, 'No' 

Dasharath sighed deeply and sat back in his throne, the whole world seemed keen on keeping him away! There was practically nothing he could do without his Guru's permission. 

Every second seemed like an year.

He had pleaded his Guru to be excused so that he could tend to his wives. But yet again he was reminded his duty of a king.

How much ever he tried ...it ended up in vain.

But he had to abide by his duty.

After all he belonged to the Raghu clan.

They never backed away from their Dharma.

The peasant had stopped.

Guru Vasishta cleared his throat loudly and startled Dasharath out of his thoughts.

Dasharath jolted up and sat straight.
He gained his composure. He wore a solemn look and started speaking.

'Your matters shall be looked upon. Justice shall be granted' he said in the most possible elegant way and got up.

Every one got up and bowed.

He fixed his gaze on Vasishta.
And at last he got the approval.

Dasharath climbed the stairs down and took long strides as he exited the court.

He could hear Guru Vasishta's staff click on the floor right behind him.

Just as he turned a corner, he heard the cries.

His heart leapt with joy!

His sons!! His beloved sons!

He had never seen any child glow with such radiance.

Vasishta stood rooted mesmerised by the charming face of the first born child of Ayodhya.

He looked up at Kousalya only to find her eyes overwhelmed with tears of joy.

Her child, a boy, was so handsome! His lotus like eyes shone like the sun. His hair was soo smooth and soft.
Even the sound of his cry felt as sweet as honey.

He then averted his gaze to all the other kids.

All of them were boys.

Kaikeyi's son was exactly like his mother. He had inherited her beautiful eyes and her milk like skin tone.

Then came the twins. Sumithra's twin sons.

One of them was so huge even for his baby standards. The other one looked calm even when tears were streaming down his cheeks.

'Guruji, the boys have been crying for a long time. We have tried everything to stop them from crying but all our efforts ended up in vain. What do we do?' Asked Sumithra.

Vasishta smiled.

One look and he knew that these boys were going to change the fate of the universe.

Each one will have their own task, and the eldest child was to face the most important of them all.

But they need to be paired.

Each one had their own companion.

'Sumithra move your boys' cradles as I say.' He said.

Few minutes later, Sumithra had moved one of the cradles next to the eldest child and the other one beside the second born.

The boys did not stop their tantrum.

'Have it your way then!'said Vasishta as he instructed the children to be paired up in just two cradles.

Only then did they stop crying!

'My, my! Look at my boys! They have already started to protect each other! ' Dasharath said playfully.

'What do we call them?' Kaikeyi asked out loud.

'The eldest shall be called Ram! True to his name, he certainly is pleasing!' Vasishta said.

'Prince Ram!' Kousalya repeated with a big grin playing on her face.

'And this lucky little guy next to him will be called Lakshman!' Said Vasishta.

'With all due respect!' Said Sumithra as she caressed the boy's black hair.

'And this young over here, who had already acquired a princely posture, shall be known to the world as Bharath!' Vasishta said as he met Kaikeyi's steady gaze.

She gave a Curt nod and a sweet smile.

'And you prince, you shall protect them all from enemies and evil! The world will know you by the name Shathrugna!' Vasishta said.

'Brilliant!!' Dasharath beamed with joy.

Vasishta smiled. 'I shall give you some private time with your family, your Highness.' He said.

'Thank you, Guruji' said Dasharath with his hands folded in a polite namaste.

Vasishta took his leave and walked out of the chamber.

He knew that these were no ordinary kids, the destiny of the world lies in their hand.

And therefore he had a greater responsibility. He had to bring them up and guide them in the right path.

He left the royal palace reminiscing the graceful sight of Ram's lotus like eyes.

He would definitely bring up Ram as a worthy king.

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