Chapter 12

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'Ram and Lakshman, you shall need this Manthra to kill this demoness. She might seem daft, gruesome and ugly. But she is intelligent and skilful!' Said Vishwamithra, his eyes seemed to glow with amusement in the light provided by the fire in the agnikoot.

Vishwamithra paused for some time.

Ram could feel those eyes scrutinise both the brothers.

He felt like the Brahmarishi was searching them for any sign of hesitancy or fear.

Ram knew that his doubts had been cleared.

After all, it was his first demon fight and he felt like his shoulders needed some stretching!

Vishwamithra recited the manthra and both the brothers registered it.

'They cannot tolerate th--'
Vishwamithra was cut by a loud thunder!

Ram instinctively looked up at the sky which was barely visible between the thick canopy of trees.

He could see dark clouds swarming the sky and the sound of thunder threatened to deafen them.

Ram could also feel the life crawl out of the trees and plants around him.

The birds fled their nests, the soil seemed to burn with poison and the pious fire seemed impure all of a sudden!

Ram could smell the horrendous stench of the demoness!

His face brightened.
Finally his wait was over!

'Looks like some one needs a bath!' Joked Ram as he winked at his younger brother.

Lakshman laughed out loud and readied his bow and arrow.

In the distance, Ram could spot a huge figure approaching them casting a shadow of death upon everything that was ahead.

The Rashashi was adorned with a necklace made of bones and her attire was purely made of human skin, blood still dripping from the cut flesh.

Her teeth were rotten beyond repair and her hair woven with bones and rough twigs.

'Ewww! Brother, she need a complete makeover!' Said Lakshman regretting having the ability of sight after getting a brief glimpse at the disgusting creature.

Behind her two other demons emerged who were smaller in size but similar in looks.

'Wow. Family makeover!' Said Ram as he notched an arrow.

'You should find out how to slay them by yourselves!' Cried out Vishwamithra over the noise.

Ram and Lakshman looked at each other in confusion.

How to kill them? What did that mean?!

But they had no time to think.

The demons started showering them with whatever they could lay their hands upon.

Uprooted trees, human and animal bones alike and sometimes even live animals!

Ram and Lakshman ducked behind trees and rocks and at the same time backfired with their best astras.

The demons did not flinch nor did their arrows slow them down.

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