Chapter 18

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I apologize for the delay, dear beloved readers!
I have my exams coming up so I won't be able to update frequently for a week or two.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I asure you I will try my best to quench your thirst asap! 😃😊

'Didi! You should really have a look at all the princes who have arrived to compete for your hand!' Exclaimed Shruthakirthi as the sisters finished dressing Sita up for the grand event.

Sita did not even have the heart to look at herself in the mirror.

More like she could not.
She looked without seeing.
Her retina was filled with those lotus like eyes and the astounding smile of his.

Her sisters seemed to pre-occupied with trying to figure out a plan and find a hideout to spy on the competitors.
But Sita did not care, the only man she cared for had promised her.
And the Raghu Clan never broke them.

But still.....

She realised with a start that the room was eerily silent.

She cleared her head and stood up.

Through the mirror, she could see a man for whom she had immense love and respect.

Father. Father Janak.

She swirled around and fell right into his arms.

Her father's arms were held protectively around her.
She could feel his heart best against her cheek.

It was steady.
She tried to match her irregular breathing rate to it. It really helped her to calm down.

That moment Sita realised something.

Her heart was too heavy with anxiety not just because she was worried about Ram, but also because she was going to part ways with her family for the first time.
Her family.
Her loving mother who raised her like her own child,
Her caring father who had thought her numerous lessons and the man who had made her realise that her life was in her hands,
Her sisters who proved to be a very part of Sita.

She could no longer bear it, she let them flow.
Those endless falls of tears she had contained for so long.

Her father patted her back.

'Sita, do not worry my child, you will always be happy wherever you are. Pray to the lord Vaidehi, he will help you no matter what.' He said calmly as he looked directly into her eyes.

Sita could see them glistening with moisture.

Her father never expressed any extreme emotions, it was really rare.

Sita felt her throat grow tight with sorrow.

'Father...father..I canno--'

'You are the princess of Videha. You are my Janaki! You are very much aware of what has to done and what not. Sita, this is a part of life. This is the moment you have to take a big decision, but this time I do not have any right to interfere. All I can do is guide you.' He said his voice cracking occasionally.

Sita knew it very well.

She took a deep breath and filled her lungs with Air and her heart with confidence.

Her father has guided her well, she will be able to do this.

Janak smiled at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

'My princess is soon going to be a queen. But more importantly a wife. Sita, no matter what, you must always see to it that your husband is taken good care. You would sacrifice your pathni dharma for anything. I want you to promise so.' He said.

She nodded her head.
'I promise you, father.' She said as her tears stopped making their way down.

Janak wiped her tear stains clean and held her chin high.

'Make me proud, Janaki.' He said.

Sita smiled heartily.

She will.


Sita was sitting next to the throne.
Her armchair seemed to be specially designed for this occasion!

It had a huge rod like structure on either sides across which another rod was placed.

A partially transparent screen hung from it, separating Sita and the rest of the hall.

More than all this feeling of isolation, Sita's ridiculously heavy dress weighed her down.
She had to fight to inhale!

But she doubted these were the reasons for her peculiar gut feeling.
It was almost like a big weight was suspended in her abdomen.

'Take a deep breath and calm down, sweetheart. Everything will be okay.' A voice whispered.

Sita jerked to her left to find her mother's silhouette lean in.
Sita's voice seemed to have lost their way so she nodded, hoping that her mother could see her.

Everytime she saw someone of her family, a hand squeezed her heart.
She had to leave them, soon.

'Hail King Janak! Hail Queen Sunaina!' called the host.

'A warm welcome to all those who are present in this auspicious occasion,!'

'The completion shall begin soon!' He cried out.

Sita flinched a bit at 'competition'

'But before that, let me brief you about what you have to do in order to win Lady Sita's hand!'

'Every prince present here shall have a fair chance to test their strength by stringing the sacred bow of Lord Rudra!'

'The one to do so, shall be rewarded with Lady Sita's hand in marriage'

Sita swallowed hard.
First one to do so.

She almost sure Ram will be able to , but what if someone else finished the task before him?

Someone called Raavan....

She braced herself as she slowly moved the screen, trying to steal a glance at all those who hoped to be her future husband and the one whom she hoped will be hers.

There were about forty princes seated around the sacred bow.

She swept her gaze around the hall.

All sort of men were there.
The too strong, the too weak, the too huge, the too small and so on.
But one perfect prince.

They both made eye contact.

Sita heaved a sigh as smiled.
Her heart leapt as she got one in return.
But something else grabbed her attention.

The seat next to Ram's was empty.
And the only person missing was Raavan.

Sita murmured a silent thanks to Devi Durga and sat back.

The host beat the drums signalling the start of the swayamvar.

Sita's heart pounded in her ribs as she sat oblivious to what was happening on the podium.

Trust him.
Just him.

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