Chapter 25

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The hooves of Bharath's horse slammed against the ground repeatedly as he galloped into the grounds of Mithila.

A day ago, he had gotten the overwhelming news of Ram bhaiya's marriage.

The first thing that shocked him was that, Ram bhaiya had attended a swayamvar! He had never been interested in such stuff! But above all this, it was quite evident, from the letter bhaiya sent him, that he was in love with this maiden, Sita.

Shatrugna was trailing him closely as the guards opened the gates of Mithila.

The rest was a blur.

He could remember Ram bhaiya's silhouette waiting for him near the gates and that of Lakshman.

The next thing he knew was that all the brothers were tightly wrapped together in an embrace.

Weeks! It had been weeks!

Bharath and Shatrugna had been away from home and bhaiya for long enough!

Kekeya was indeed a warrior kingdom, but love too prevailed in the hearts of his relatives.

That place had shaped Bharath's warrior self. The changes were quite evident, he was bulkier than Shatrugna now and almost as huge as Lakshman but not quite the same.

But none of it mattered now.

They were together. His heart had regained its peace.

'Bharath!O my Bharath! Look at you! You have grown so much!' Ram bhaiya's sweet yet strong voice soothed his soul further.

'Yes bhaiya! But am not the only one who changed!' he said, wriggling his eyebrows.

A deep red colour stained Ram bhaiya's cheeks.

Lakshman laughed heartily along with his twin.

'Bhaiya, when can we meet bhabi??' asked Shatrugna, his voice brimming with excitement.

'Soon enough, my brother. Soon enough' Assured Ram bhaiya and gestured them to follow him.

'Oi Bharath, competing me huh? You know I am huger!' teased Lakshman who was right beside him.

'Oh come on Lakshman! If there is anyone huger than you, I might as well shave my head!' Joked Bharath.

'Bhaiya, I hope you don't regret saying that!' Shathrugna added with mocking concern.

For the first time in weeks, Bharath laughed heartily as he walked side by side with his brothers.

'Bharath! My son!' beamed his father as he hugged him tightly, so tight he almost choked!

'Father!; he managed to say while his eyes were over flowing with tears.

'Bharath..Bharath...' Another hand embraced them both.

The soft and caring touch could belong to no one but his mother, Kaikeyi.

The three of them stood still for some time before he caught up with the rest of the family in the Royal Palace.

Look at him! He grew so much!


Stronger! More handsome!

Almost for about an hour, he could hear nothing but these words.

He heaved a sigh as he enjoyed his solitary moment in the Royal Garden.

The small pond was glistening in the moonlight. Its tiny inhabitants were clearly visible as he ran his hand over the surface, sending ripples around.

The sweet smell of flowers and nectar hung in the air. He slowly lifted his head above to have a look at the vast sky above him.

The stars seemed like tiny diamonds kept on a black cloth, sparling and glittering in the moonlight.

Could there be a more beautiful sight?

Well, apparently yes.

He snapped back to reality as he heard the feeble sound of a woman's anklets.

He quickly shot up and franticly searched for the owner of the sound.

There, behind one of the Neem trees, was a breath-taking young lady carrying a basket in one hand. Her free hand was entangled in her hair as she ran her thin and elegant fingers through the strands.

Her anklets seemed to sparkle as she took brisk steps towards him, totally oblivious to the fact that there was a young man practically gaping at her.

Half way through she stopped abruptly as she laid her eyes on him.

Bharath quickly regained his princely posture.

He could see her cheeks turn a bright shade of magenta and wondered if he was mirroring her.

She too regained her posture and seemed to calm down a bit.

'Um..Prince of Ayodhya?' her silvery voice made it hard to concentrate on the words.

He nodded trying to make his movements as fluid as hers.

' I am Bharath, second born prince of Ayodhya.And you Milady?'

'First born princess of Sankasya, Mandavi'

'Pleased to meet you.'

You are failing so miserably Bharath! You are absolutely horrible in courting women!

She smiled widely. Her lips forming a beautiful crescent.

'Okay, then...' she said as she shifted her wait, ready to continue walking.

'Good night!' he called out as she walked past him leaving behind a smell of Jasmine and fruits!

Immediately, he associated her with his favorite combination of color, a shade of yellow like the new born sun, a touch of the orange that comes along with dusk, a tint pink the color of the soft feet of a new born and a pristine blue that belonged solely to the sky.

She tilted her head slightly, enough for her to look at him through the corner of her eyes.

'Good night to you prince!'

That moment he wondered if all the women of this place had this particular effect on all living things.

Even Ram bhaiya could not resist! How did he stand a chance then?

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