Chapter 24

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The smell of demonic ichor filled his noise as he strode past the training room, his sanctuary.

His feet made perfectly no noise while they slammed on the palace's golden floor. A warrior's stance.

He could feel a dull sting in his thigh as he took each step.
Ayudhya. The sword that makes its owner unconquerable. Him. Meghnad.

The flickering torch and smell of burning cloth filled his nose whilst he walked past the various rooms.

He had defeated Indra, the god of heaven. With Ayudhya.

But what was the use?

His very father was not proud of him!
Lankesh, King of Lanka and ruler of all the three realms had no faith in his valour.
He simply dismissed his victory.

He yanked his sword out of its cover.
The flower pot shattered into pieces as Ayudhya made contact with it. The loud noise sent all the birds outside the widow, flying wildly.
Meghnad relished the sweet noise of destruction.
He would prove it. He will show his beloved father that he, Meghnad, was a worthy son.

'My lord!' A silvery voice cleared his thoughts.

A young maiden walked out of a chamber in simple clothing, bed clothes.

Her shiny black hair reached her thighs and their color highlighted her smooth features. She had a peculiar lustre to her eyes as they sparkled with concern.
For him.

'I am fine, Sulochna.' He said his orotund voice the exact opposite to hers.

Her face relaxed.

'My Lord, what took you so long? I had been waiting for you!' She said as she reached out for his wrist.

'I had been busy.' He said bluntly as he let her drag him into their chamber.

It was entirely different from the rest of chambers in the palace.
Sulochna had disapproved of the extravagant golden interior. She had chosen a wooden one instead. A simple yet comfortable one.

Meghnad enjoyed the gold from his very childhood. His father being Lankesh, he did not have much of a choice.

But he loved Sulochna enough to let go of his pleasures.

'Are you tired?' She asked as she slowly retrieved his weapons.

He let his shoulders drop in response.


He shook his head and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

'Sleep.' He whispered and cupped her cheeks.

She smiled sweetly and her eyes grew teary.

'This is the fourth time you are meeting me this month. My Lord, I understand that you are busy carrying out your duties, but I am also compelled to remind you of your wife.' She said maintaining a steady gaze.

He sighed.

'It is my duty, dear. I would certainly spend my entire life next to you. But I have to be a worthy son before I can be a worthy husband. You very well know that I deeply care and love for you. Or else I would have married many women like my father. But it is you, Sulochna, the only worthy wife of  Indrajith.' He said as he leaned in closer.
The familiar scent of milk and honey left him clinging to her.

She put her arms around him and embraced him tightly.

'My love, Indrajith.' She breathed in his ears.

Love. Indrajith. Father.

Meghnad's heart was broken into three.
Which to follow, he knew not.

Hey sorry guys! I haven't updated for eternity and this shall not compromise as its damn small!
I will update a really long and interesting chapter as my punishment next!☺️☺️😊
How did you guys like Meghnad? Personally I like  Sulochna!
Let me know!

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