Chapter 17

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Her beautiful curls bouncing down her back,
Her charming face as bright as the moon on a full moon day,
Her gaze locked in his,
Those beautiful eyes that seemed to possess a story,

It would take a life time to describe her!

His pace slowed down and his arm fell from Lakshman's shoulders.

He came to a stop and a soft breeze whisked by.

When he looked at her again, he could see that her eyebrows crowded,
Fear and written all over her expression.

Ram was sure that she was worried about her swayamvar, but he was quite confident.
The gods have brought her into his life for a reason.
And he knew for what.

'Bhaiya, can you keep this between yourself somewhere private!? We are in a temple!' Lakshman asked frivolously.

Ram gave a precarious shrug.
'I can't really help it you know!?' He said and continued walking as he saw Sita proceed into the temple.

Lakshman sighed and followed.

There weren't many people in the temple.
Sita, Urmila and two more girls behind them.
And two-three villagers.

Ram could see Sita talking to her sisters from the entrance.

He skipped the steps of the temple and reached her side.

'Good morning, princess!' He said with a low bow.

Before Sita could even smile, Urmila yelped.

Immediate Ram's hand went for the dagger.
But alas, it was Lakshman.

He had 'accidentally' bumped into Urmila.

'Oops! Hey!' Said Lakshman without moving an inch.

Urmila scowled as she pushed him aside.

Lakshman laughed and bowed to Sita after having a brief glance of Urmila's scarlet red face.

Sita smiled back at them.

'Meet my cousins, Shruthakirthi and Mandavi' she said gesturing to the other two.

Ram and Lakshman smiled.
'Am Ram and this is Lakshman, sons of Dasharath' he said.

The two girls smiled politely.

'Okay, let's go!' Said Urmila and eyed Lakshman still scowling at him for bumping.

'Welcome!' Beamed the priest as he took the plate from Sita.

Ram found it extremely hard to close his eyes with Sita beside him, but he had no choice.

He closed his eyes bad made a silent prayer.

Please let it be me...

He flung his eyes open as he felt a soft and warm hand on his.


She was looking at him as the others had their eyes closed as the priest chanted the mantras.

'Please, for me.' She whispered and clasped his hands in hers.

Ram felt his heart melt.
His nape grew hot as she looked at him lovingly.

'Sita, I promise you. I shall win your hand no matter what for I am yours and you are mine. No one can change that.' He whispered back.

Sita closed her eyes and heaved a sigh of relief.

He felt someone nudge him.

Sita quickly pulled her hand away as Lakshman smiled micheviously.

Ram groaned.

'Lakshman....' he said as he looked at his brother.

Lakshman shrugged.

But Ram could still feel her hands around his.
Those soft and long fingers clasping his.
Her smooth skin on his calloused one.

Please, for me.

Anything Sita, Anything.


Mandodari was taking a morning stroll.
In Ashok Vatika, the only place in Lanka suitable for breathing fresh air.

Her husband, Raavan had gone to Mithila.
He knew that Mithila possessed the scared bow of Lord Shiva and of course he would want it! But he also went there for the swayamvar.

Everytime Raavan went in search of another woman, Mandodari's heart was teared open with the sharpest weapon on earth.
Her love.
Her love for Raavan.

He might be a womaniser, an Asura or the greatest Shiva devotee to be born.
But for her, he was always her husband.

And everytime she had to share him with another, she felt like she was tearing her soul into shreds.

Thought he never gave anyone else the title of being the Queen of Lanka, his heart did not truly desire her the way she wanted him.

He loved her deeply, she knew that.
But not enough.

Lankesh was the best man she had know then.

A great scholar, a great musician, an unconquerable warrior and the mist handsome man she had ever met!

He stole her heart immediately and they were in love.

For so long it seemed like eternity.
But now, Raavan had changed.

Her Raavan did not belong to her alone, anymore.

Not anymore, not anymore yours.

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