Chapter 13

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Vishwamithra searched for the princes.
He had heard the noise and seen the light.

The valiant prince had slain Thataka!

He was sure that Ram was a wonder, they way his eyes shown with knowledge beyond the one if this universe!

Vishwamithra coughed, the dust had really found their way into his lungs!

He narrowed his eyes to see through the swirling dust.

There, at the end of his sight, he could see a divinely light.

And the silhoutte of Ram.

The young boy, walking with one hand gripping his bow and the other around his beloved brother, Lakshman.

Vishwamithra stood rooted to the spot.
He was unable to move his eyes from the beautiful vision.

The brothers quickly seemed his blessing.

'We are sorry O sage. My brother has slain the demoness Thataka and I have slain her son Subahu. But..Maricha has escaped!' Said Lakshman sounding too disappointed.

Vishwamithra let out a mild laugh.

'It's alright, everything has a reason' he said with a knowing smile.

He saw Ram's eyes reflect it.
Yes, this boy was really a wonder.

'Well...I have some other plans for us! Ram and Lakshman, I believe you both would be honored to have a glimpse of the great vow of Lord Shiva?' Asked Vishwamithra.

He perfectly knew that Ram was a great devotee of Lord Shiva!

Both the boys were enthusiastically chatting about the bow as Vishwamithra lead them to it.

Mithila, a small kingdom but prosperous and serene.

Mist importantly, a kingdom of Knowledge.
Ruled by the great man, Janak!


It was dusk.
They had reached the gates of Mithila.

Ram took a deep breath and let his eyes feast.

The gates of Mithila were made of sandalwood and their fragrance spread serenity in his heart like ripple.

The whole place was as green but it was not the boring and dull green of the Ayodhyan lands, it was a bright shade of green that made your eyes glimmer with happiness and joy.

He watched each blade of grass bathe in the sunlight and dry itself in the blowing wind.

He could see the bees enjoy the bliss of the nectar from the most colourful flowers he had seen!

The birds were pecking on the grains left for them.

Even the sky above him looked different!

He almost swore he saw a beautiful maiden's face take its shape in the clouds far above him!

Ram and Lakshman followed Vishwamithra's lead as they the travelled through the mesmerising country.

They met many people.
Surprisingly all if them had requested the brothers to rest in their house for some time and get cleaned.

He reckoned it was because they were badly injured.

But sage Vishwamithra was stubborn. He wanted them to freshen up in the place he had arranged.

'Ram, you and your brother shall buy some necessary medicines for your wounds in the city. Meet me in the palace gates after that, u will be waiting.' said Vishwamithra and left without a second word.

'Bhaiya, ready for a tour?!' Asked Lakshman excitedly.

'Lakshman, we are here to buy medicines, not to get you married! Quit staring at girls!' Ram joked as he caught Lakshman staring at a girl as she picked flowers.

Lakshman blushed and followed his brother.

Both the brothers reached the main city within minutes.

The whole city seemed to dancing with joy!

The city was totally decorated with streamers and lamps, the crowd was chattering here and there as they rushed to buy sweets.

Lakshman almost bumped on to a little kid who was carrying a basket of freshly picked jasmine flowers!

' you think they were informed that we were coming? Seems like they are celebrating our arrival!' Said Ram mocking seriousness.

Lakshman laughed heartily.

'Oh! Move it! It's the Princ--' A loud feminine was cut off by another.

'Urmila! Please do not embarrass me!' Another voice ringed in his ears.

Ram's world slowed for a minute.

He could see Lakshman take slow steps.
He could see the streamers sway slowly in the wind.

His eyes searched for the source of that graceful voice.

When he found it, he even felt his heart rate slow down!

Her face was the most captivating thing he ever set his eyes on!
Those lotus like eyes and long eyelashes, her smooth skin and radiant face, the way she held herself, he found himself drowning in the depths of her brown eyes.
He wanted to tangle his fingers in her smooth but curly hair.

At that minute, Ram felt like the very purpose of his life was to protect her and care for her.

He hated to do it, but he had to blink his eyes for natural reasons.

Then the world returned to normal.

The very next moment, the beautiful girl who was just feels away, locked her gaze with his.

Ram found himself lost.

Who was this angel?

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