Chapter 6

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Ram walked to his Guruji's hut. It was his most preferred place in the whole ashram. His hut had a really serene feel and the fragrance of the sandalwood incense stick filled his heart with purity.

He saw Guru Vasishta in the far end of the room in front of the Shiv Linga.

Ram quickly walked to the Linga and made his namaskars.

'Guruji, my humble pranams' said Ram with folded hands.

Vasishta gestured him to sit down.

Ram obeyed.

'Ram, my boy! You and your brothers have excelled in all the courses and have proved to be great warriors as well as scholars!' He said.'Last week, you had your combat tests, but today, your final test will indeed be intellectual.'he said.

Ram knew this was coming.
His Guruji was one of the great scholars alive! He was a brahmarishi!
His questions will definitely be hard but Ram was determined to answer them well. He will not disappoint his Guru.

'You have only one question. Answer well.' He said and Ram could feel Vasishta's eyes search him.

Ram maintained a well built expression.

'What kind of a country would you build after you ascend the throne of Ayodhya after you father, King Dasharath?' Vasishta posed his question. He always chose the best and simple words.

Ram took a deep breath.

The very existence of this world was due to karma.
According to Ram, a man continued to take different births to fulfil his karma.

Only when one's karma is nil, he will be able to attain the final destination , Vaikunt.

And this can be achieved if he knew his duties well and followed the path of righteousness and justice.

He would not commit sins, and he will submit his good deeds at the Lord almighty's lotus feet thus making his karma balanced.

But how can he, Ram, make this possible as a King?

'A King is God to his citizens. Whatever he does should lead the people to prosperity. He should lead them in the path of justice and righteousness.' He paused.

'I shall ensure that my people are aware about karma and dharma. I shall provide them with justice as it is. I will make sure that everyone man shall know his duty and ensure that he follows the law. Everyone will be equal in the eyes of law, King and commoner alike. A well planned kingdom with a just code of conduct will always lead the to the people's welfare. I shall run the kingdom dutifully, justly and loyally. My people's need will be put before mine. May the Gods help me accomplish this if I am worthy.'He finished.

All the while Ram kept his eyes closed picturing every word that left his mouth.

He opened his eyes slowly to find Vasishta smiling.

Ram felt a drop of sweat trickle down his hair. Only then did he realise how anxious he was!

' one but you is worthy of the throne! You are a gem! You will certainly be a role model to the people! You have my hearty blessings' Vasishta said as tears streamed down his eyes.

Ram bowed his head low. He was truly fortunate to have elated his Guru.

At that moment he took a vow that he will abide every word he let slip.


The road to Ayodhya was truly splendid!

Lakshman had been homesick ever since he came to ashram! He was extremely relieved to go back home!

God! Guruji's intellectual test was the hardest!
They were instructed to keep their question a secret but he had insisted that Ram bhaiya heard it.
Unfortunately bhaiya did not want to break the rule as usual.

His horse trotted through the thick forest. He could feel his scabbard hit against his thigh. His bow was hung over his shoulders and his quiver rested on his back strapped to his body.

Ram bhaiya was leading them.
Bharath and Shatrugna were joking behind him.

Lakshman found it hard to concentrate on other things while they giggled wildly.
He tried hard to pay attention to his surroundings taking in everything.

He could hear the flow of water, the tiny sounds made by small animals, the rustling of leaves and the howling of winds.

His older brother's horse halted and Lakshman followed him.

'We shall rest here for the night, if you are tired.' He said as he faced the other younger brothers.

Lakshman knew Ram bhaiya was eager to meet father. The seemed to share a strong bond. He would want what Ram bhaiya wanted.

'Brother, we may continue. Perhaps if we keep going we may reach Ayodhya earlier!' Lakshman said.

'Yes! We agree too! We wanna go home!' Said Bharath enthusiastically.

Ram nodded and smiled. He veered around and continue to lead them.

Lakshman had noticed his brother's love for nature.

The way he looked at trees and plants, the way he seemed to silently communicate with animals.

Even his horse seemed to follow his thoughts without being told to.

Lakshman had to give commands, but he loved his horse alright!

He looked up at the sky and let his face shine under the twinkling stars.

He thought he could almost smell Ayodhya.

He smiled to himself as he pictured his mother scolding him for stealing sweets as a kid.

Am coming home, he thought.
We are!

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