Chapter 7

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Sumithra could see Kaikeyi growing impatient. Out of all the three of them, Kaikeyi's patience was the least!

'Sumithra! The boys should have reached long ago! Am sure something must have gone wrong!' Kaikeyi's impatience was prominent in her voice as she paced at the palace's entrance.

'Calm down, sister! They are all grown ups now! They will be able to take care of themselves and adding up to that, the King has also sent his personal guards to welcome them!' said Sumithra calmly.

Kaikeyi simply shook her head and continued pacing.

Sumithra smiled and looked at the horizon.

The palace was at the heart of the city.They whole city was waiting for the princes. People had decorated their houses, they wore their best clothes and were standing expectantly at their doors.

Sumithra also noticed that there was a crowd at the market places trying to buy crackers.

Sumithra turned around to find Kousalya hurrying with an Arthi plate.

'They boys have reached the border, my spy just informed. They will be here in a few minutes!' she said as she stopped next to Sumithra totally ignoring Kaikeyi.

Sumithra had always found that troubling. Both her elder sisters ignored each other frequently. Sumithra had tried really hard to solve this but all her efforts proved to be useless.

'Sumithra, I can't wait anymore. Am going after the boys.' said Kaikeyi who seemed to have gained her queenly posture out of the blue.

'But sister! You heard didi! They will be here any moment now!' said Sumithra as she tried to stop Kaikeyi from going to the stables.

'Ah! There they are!' beamed Kousalya as she rushed to greet them.

At the far end of the road that led to the Royal palace, Sumithra could see four boys galloping towards them in their horses, followed by men who had their red capes bordered with gold flying behind them as their horses struggled to keep up with the strong ones in front them.

Kaikeyi followed Kousalya to greet the princes.

The first one was riding a milk white stallion.

Sumithra blinked her eyes in disbelief!
She almost saw a glow behind his head.

But it actually didn't matter, the boy's very eyes seemed to radiate peace and valour at the same time.
She felt like she was watching the moon and the sun at the same spot!
He was tall, muscular and fit.
His smooth and dark hair was let loose.
And above all, his smile was the most charming thing she had ever seen in her life!

And that very moment she realised that it could be no one else but Ram!

She averted her gaze from him with great effort and set it upon the next boy close behind Ram.

He was considerably huge and muscular for his age and his eyes in gleaming with joy looking at his mother. But at the same time his shoulders were set ready. Always alert! Her Lakshman!

Then she laid her eyes upon the next brother.

His milk like complexion and handsome face was prominent! He was obviously Kaileyi's son Bharath!

But she also noticed that his physique differed from the rest. Curious she was, but she also wanted to see her other son!

Shatrugna was always looking calm! Even the way he was riding his horse looked like he was gliding in thin air.

She smiled and spread her hands out, welcoming them all home.

The boys jumped down as Kousalya laid the kumkum on their foreheads.

All of them hugged her and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Kaileyi was literally jumping up and down!

She hugged all the boys tightly and kissed them all on their foreheads.
She hugged Ram once again.

Even though Bharath was her son, Kaikeyi was more affectionate towards Ram and had raised him as her own son. But all the boys saw all of them as their mothers.

Then they came to Sumithra and she spared none of them. She hugged each of them separately!

'Matha! It's so good to see you all!' Beamed Lakshman.

'Yes Matha we really missed all of you!' Ram added looking extremely happy.
Sumithra could not help but stare at his mesmerising face.

'Matha am hungry!! Where are your sweets?'said Bharath. He was always hungry!

'Sure! We have a grand feast waiting my boys !' She said as she smiled at their eager faces.

'Yay! Matha I can't wait to see everyone in the palace!' Said Shatrunga struggling to look over her shoulder. He was already taller than her.

Last time she saw these kids, they were only a litter over her waist!
Gosh! Kids grow so fast!

'Alright boys! Go to the river and have a nice bath! You boys stink!' Said Kaikeyi laughing out with the rest of them.

'Yes yes! Freshen up then we shall have our lunch together!' Kousalya said as she hurried the boys.

'Oh.. Can't we just eat?' Asked Bharath.

'Bharath.. Go take a bath my son! It won't be long!' Said Kousalya messing her hair.

'Yeah Bharath! I heard if you eat before a bath, you might end up blowing your tummy!'joked Lakshman.

'Oh let's see who takes a bath first!'said Bharath chasing Lakshman.

Ram and Shatrugna were laughing as they caught up with the two.

'They didn't change, did they?'said  Kaikeyi as she started walking towards the palace.

Not quite, thought Sumithra as she saw Bharath struggle to catch Lakshman.

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