Chapter 36

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Dasharath had been expecting a beautiful sight when he had heard from one of Kaikeyi's servants, after all it had been a long time since he had spoken to her. He really didn't want to be the kind of a husband who overlooked his wives, but having three competitive ones and a huge empire didn't help at all!

He was certain though, that he wouldn't have imagined to see this! Yes, Yes he had seen his beloved Kaikeyi cry a few times, but it was as rare as catching Lakshman cry in dramas! His guts did tell him that today was something different, he had never seen Kaikeyi bawling, not like this. Her stunning palace hall was now grim and gloomy, the curtains drawn shut allowing not a sliver of light to escape in. In the center, on the bed that he had gifted her himself, was Kaikeyi, her hair as wild as his imaginations but he couldn't see her beautiful face with her back turned to him.

Finally, giving in to his yearnings he sat down next to her, with an aching heart. He couldn't bear to see his beloved in pain, her honey-sweet voice cracking miserably as she cried her heart out. And worse, he had no idea what had happened, something so grave that it had made his Kaikeyi bawl!

Gently, he wrapped his arms around her shaking body and rested his head on her back. Her violent sobs pierced through his own heart as he smoothed her tangled hair.

"My lovely Kaikeyi, what happened? Why are you in so much pain?" he whispered into her ears and tried to take a glimpse of her face, which she had so deeply buried into the bed. Dasharath sighed as she ignored him and shook even more. He reached out with one hand and grabbed a stray pillow which lay on the floor, still smoothing her hair with his other. Slowly, he laid down next to her, facing the ceiling, the stars to be precise...stars their son Bharath had painted. That's when it struck him! Maybe it was just that!! She must be missing her son! Ever since Bharath and Shatrugna had left for Kekeya, even Dasharath himself was on the edge, it was only natural that a mother's heart would yearn for her son!

"Kaikeyi, it's alright, our sons would return in a day or not worry my love, it's just a matter of two days" he said as he wondered when they had switched places, him consoling her and her shedding tears.

But despite all his desperate efforts, she still continued spilling those sorrowful tears. Desperation seized his heart, what exactly had happened? Why would she not tell him!

"My dear, please tell me what's troubling you! I shall do anything for you,my Kaikeyi, you know it!"

That's when she shifted, turned her scarlet face and met his eyes with her own blood-shot ones. Dasharath could bear it no longer, the look of despair on her face, especially when he had come with happy news! The coronation of their son, Ram!

He cupped her face and whispered, "Dearest, speak your heart, I shall do anything and everything for you"

She parted her soft lips and whispered, her voice strained and hoarse, "Anything?"

Dasharath giggled. She looked just like a child, her lips pouted, her face swollen and her cheeks streaked with salted tears. He wiped her tears with the back of his hand and nodded.


She took a long, steadying breath and closed her eyes. For a moment, Dasharath could see nothing but his wife's calm face, he smiled to himself happy to have solved her problem. What in the three realms could he not give her?

"Nothing that you cannot give me, in fact...I am only asking for the two boons you had promised me my love, remember?" she said, sitting up slowly and ran her hand through his own hair. How could he forget it? If it hadn't been for her, he would've bled out on the battlefield years before he could've set his eyes on his beloved sons. He would've died without meeting his Ram!!

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