Chapter 37

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Lakshman had never considered himself to be a heavy sleeper, at the slightest sound of a breaking twig, his brain would lurch his body into action,ready for a fight. And that's exactly what had happened today, he had heard a dasi trip and fall right outside the doors of his chambers and had jerked from the bed, his hand reaching for the dagger he kept under his pillow. 

To be honest, he wasn't sure if he had slept well at all! Something kept nagging his mind, like a lingering shadow...trying to warn him of some unseen danger? 

He sighed and sunk into the soft mattress and glanced at the beautiful woman asleep on the other side. Urmila would not know even if the palace crumbled into dust when she was asleep. She would still float in her land of dreams, hopefully in his company. 

He smiled and brought the silk covers closer to her chin, he didn't mind if he was slightly paranoid...not if it could prove helpful to keep his beloved wife safe and sound. But of course, that didn't mean the goddess of sleep would take mercy on him! No matter how hard he tried, she simply wouldn't grant him sleep! Tired of tossing and turning in the same place, he threw his covers and sat up. 

Just as he decided to hit the training grounds, the softest rays of sunlight danced in through his window, illuminating their chambers in a bluish hue. Frustrated by yet another day of sleepless night, he walked towards the window and drew the curtains shut and watched as the chamber grew dark once more.

 'At least let her sleep for a little while' .

He hastily wrapped himself in his training  gear and grabbed his sword before heading out. Usually he and Ram bhaiya would spar a few hours after breakfast, but Lakshman just wanted to hit something hard right now, something that would wrench out that eerie feeling from his guts. 

What if...what if it was a warning and he ignored it? Should he check up on bhaiya? He sighed, if only Bharath and Shatrugna were here, they would've helped him with this...bothering Ram bhaiya for his paranoia didn't feel right. Bhaiya was already knee deep with the matters of the state!

 Exactly when he needed his brothers they were off to Kekeya visiting grandfather! 

Cursing softly, he decided to check up on Ram bhaiya before hitting the grounds and detoured. He didn't know what he was expecting to see ever since he saw bhiaya in a saree, but it certainly wasn't the guards!

Not just any guards, but the Queens guard, clad in black armour striped with gold, their spears held firmly by their side as two of them flanked the entrance to bhaiya's chamber. Lakshman drew his sword and observed, hiding by the corner. They were definitely well trained but he was sure they would fall prey to his blade if they planned to harm bhaiya. Just as Lakshman planned to intervene, the doors to the chamber creaked open...

Lakshman cursed himself for choosing such a poor a spot! The huge sandalwood doors completely blocked his view. He didn't know if it was bhabi Sita or bhaiya Ram! Just when he was about to reveal himself, he caught sight of Ram bhaiya. He watched as bhaiya stepped out of his chambers already dressed for the court! The guards must've reached a while before and waited for bhaiya to get ready...but for what?

Now that bhaiya was outside and walking in front of the guards, Lakshman stepped out of his hiding spot and rushed towards them, there was no questioning bhaiya's trust!

"Bhaiya! Bhaiya! What a surprise! You have already dressed yourself for the court?!"

Lakshman walked past the guards as they bowed their heads to him and made way. Ram bhaiya simply turned to face him and smiled, and with that one smile his eerie gut feelings seemed to intensify! Never in Lakshman's life had this happened! Ram bhaiya's smile would cure anyone of their worries, and to Lakshman, it would probably send his soul to Vaikunta if he didn't ground himself!

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