Chapter Four

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I walk into the restaurant and fix my mid thigh length black lace dress. It comes all the way up to my neck in a sophisticated yet sexy look. We are apparently having dinner with the boys tour manager. It had been about a month since I moved in, and I ma loving it. I have visited my dad a few times, and he seems like he may be getting worse. I can't have him leave me though, it would be too much. I try to walk in my 6 inch stilettos and almost trip twice. Zayn grabs my forearm to help me as he pulls me into the five star restaurants reserved table.

I take a seat between him and harry. Niall is in front of me next to liam and Louis. At the end of the table, on each end is a man and a women, both in nice suits or clothing. I fix my curls hair, a nervous habit I got from harry and Niall. Me and him have tried not to tell the boys, and He is slowly trying to earn my trust back. I haven't exactly completely forgave him, but I am slowly going to I think.

I order red wine, not caring that I am underage. I will be turning 19 in a month anyways. Niall smiles at me and I smile back. Liam starts a conversation with zayn, across from him. and Louis starts with harry across from him. The work people start talking so we all turn our attention to them.

"Okay," I learned her name was Britney. She has stick straight red hair and bright red lipstick on, shes kinda pretty but looks around 40 or so. "We are not going to be using Lou The whole tour because she will be due to have her new baby boy in the middle of tour." 

I nod, the boys all stare at the girl intently as I think over how cool it would be to go on tour with these five idiots. I have gotten to know them pretty well, and I can definitely say I love them like brothers. 

"We need someone to fill in for Lou, like an intern of some sort." The man, Jack I learned says. Niall looks at me and smiles before looking at Liam and nodding slightly. I stare at them in confusion before harry slightly raises his hand. I giggle at his childlike gesture and then fix my composure and sit up a little straighter. I cross my legs and harry starts to speak.

"I know someone who could be the most amazing stylist we have ever had, other than Lou." Harry says with a wicked look on his face. I wonder who, I mean she has to be good a this. The boys have perfect hair and faces, so they shouldn't pick someone who is terrible and will mess everything up.

"Kate." I hear niall say. I look up confused and see all the eyes on me. I look over at niall and my cheeks flame. He meant that i should be the new stylist. Oh my gosh no, I'm not good enough.

Niall get's up and walks over to me. Every ones eyes are on us as he pulls my elbow and helps me stand up. I am as tall, if not taller than him in my shoes. He lets my arm hook around his as we quietly walk over to the front of the restaurant and out the door. I shiver as the cold air hits me.

"Here." He says and takes off his coat. I thank him and look down at my shoes. "I know you may not be able to forgive me for all the shit I put you through, but I just want to try to make it up to you one last time. I will be going on tour for 8 months without you, if you don't choose to come with us. Eight months without harry, Louis, liam, and zayn. We have become your best friends, and I have finally come closer to you the way I hoped I would. So All I am asking is for this one chance to make everything better, to patch everything up. To make you trust me the way you used to." 

He finishes with a huff and I slowly look up to him. He is standing a foot exactly away form me and I wish I could just forgive him and jump int his arms now. We could be happily ever after, and everything would be okay. But that would be too easy. I slowly close my eyes and sigh before opening them again. I know niall is starting to get antsy and wants an answer. But I don't know, I want to go. But should I? I need to do what my heart tells me, not my head.

"I want my own bunk in the tour bus." I mumble and before you could even get a breath out, Niall is wrapping me up in his arms and hugging me tightly. I almost melt to the touch of his arms around my shoulders. I lay my head on his chest. I remember when we did this all the time. I feel more at home than ever right now. He pulls away too soon and I pout. He kisses my forehead softly and we walk into the restaurant together. I go to give him his jacket but he pushes it back to me and gives me a small smile before siting down in front of me. The waiter comes and asks for our orders and we give it to them before continuing the conversation from earlier.

"I'll so it." Is all I say before the boys cheer.

"Never fucking wearing these again." My slightly tipsy self says as I take off my shoes. I stagger a little and walk into the living room. I lay down on the couch. My dress rides up just below my butt and I take no notice at it. I hear the boys shoes as they throw them on the floor. Niall walks over to me and lifts up my legs before sitting down and putting them in his lap. I turn over so I am laying on my back and giggle a Little, the two glasses of wine taking full affect on me.

I start to sit up and try to fix my dress but give up and huff before laying my head on the soft pillow. I close my eyes and start to feel myself slowly falling asleep before I feel my legs being lifted up before i am started to be picked up. I groan and try to turn into whoever is picking me up, but I stop when I smell nialls cologne and snuggle my face into his chest. He laughs a little at my half drunk state and walks me up the stairs into the bedroom I call my own.

He lays me down and pulls out a pair of leggings and a white t-shirt. I start to unzip my dress, but I can't reach where it is. Niall walks over to me and helps me unzip it before turning around so I can get dressed. I do and my bright pink bra shows trough the white t-shirt but I could care less.

Niall helps me into the bed and starts to walk out. I pull at his wrist and he turns around and looks me in the eyes. I feel like asking him to stay, but I decide to just say thank you. He turns off the light and shuts the door. Maybe I will be able to sleep tonight, I think as I close my tired eyes.

I wake up with a slight headache and reach over for my phone. I see that I have a twitter notification. More like 200. I guess the boys have gotten the word around that I am going to be on the tour. I step out of the bed too fast and get a headache, but I recover quickly and walk over to my door to open it. I step out and make my way down the long hallway to the kitchen. I see niall by the table with a phone to his ear. He has on only a pair of sweatpants and is shirtless. He hums into the phone and says yes a few times before smiling and hanging up. He turns around and when he see's me he smiles. 

"Just the girl I was hoping to see." He says which makes me smile. I pull my hair into a bun and take a seat on the counter top. He walks over to me and puts his hands on my bare knees. A tingly feeling runs through me, I don't even know what the feeling is. He starts to talk as a small smile makes its way up his face.

"We get to go shopping for tour clothes tomorrow!" He beams.

You know I’ll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I’ll find the words to say

Before you leave me today


Please comment and vote! I spend a lot of time working on these so I would love if you all would vote and comment!:)

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