Chapter Seven

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I wake up with a banging headache, I turn over and fall out of my soft bed. "Ow." I groan and rub my head as I sit up. I am dressed in my dress still. So I throw on some sweat pants and on of the boys sweatshirts I stole. I walk downstairs and see that liam and louis are half asleep eating cereal and zayn is on the couch asleep.

"Morning" Liam says and smiles slightly before closing his eyes for a minute then opening them. I nod and walk over to the medicine cabinet.

"There are no  more." I hear harry say as he clutches his head and rubs his tired eyes. "Is that my sweat shirt?" I walk over to him and squeeze his lips so they are in a duck face, and close his mouth. 

"Shh." I say and let go. I walk into the living room and curl up in a ball on the couch. I remember parts and pieces of last night, just not a whole lot. I remember niall taking me into the bathroom, us dancing. But I am sure he won't remember. I hope at least, it's embarrassing to think about me giving him a blow job.

I close my eyes and snuggle into zayns legs before I feel myself almost drift back to sleep. 

I hear a loud voice and jump. I clutch my head and groan.

"Shut the fuck up." I say and open my eyes. It hurts, because it is too bright. I see harry standing in front of me.

"I left some money on the counter. GO buy some Advil when you want, I have to go record a snippet of a song on our new album." He says. He turns to leave but turns around fast. "Oh, and I would get it before Niall wakes up. He can be pretty grumpy when he has a hangover." He says and then leaves. I flinch at the sound of the door shutting.

I sit up a little and stretch. All the boys are in their houses or wherever but me and Niall. I hope we can maybe just stay in instead of doing something, I am not in the mood to be walking around outside or at the mall.

I get up and go to my room. I start to lay down and maybe I could get a little sleep, it is still early, like 11 am. I usually wake up earlier when i drink, but I guess not today. I close my eyes and hope sleep will take over when I hear a noise down stairs. I know all the boys are at the studio so it can't be them. I slowly get out of my bed, my heart beating faster than ever.

I hear the front door giggle. I slowly open my door and walk out of my room. I tip-toe into nialls room. I shake him a little.

"Niall." I say and shake him. He is going to hate me. I shake him again and he stirs a little before groaning. 

"Niall please wake up." I say, my eyes stating to tear up as I hear the front door open. I hear big boots trailing down the hall downstairs. Niall hears the way I said that and starts to open his eyes. I am glad I shut and locked nialls door when I came in here.

"Niall." I say and he starts to sit up. He covers his eyes. I sit next to his legs and move his hands from his eyes. He is shirtless and I am hoping he has pants on. Or else it would be double awkward adding what we did last night to this.

"Whats wrong?" he grumbles. 

"I think someone is in the house." I say and his eyes fly open. 

"It's probably the boys." He says and starts to pull the covers off. I shake my head fast and am thankful when I see he is in boxer briefs. 

"No niall, they are all at the studio." I say and grab onto his bicep. He see's how scared I am and sighs before standing up. He stretches before pulling his jeans from last night off the floor and on him. He throws on a t-shirt.

"You better be happy I love you." He mumbles and my heart flutters a little at his words. But it completely drops when I hear something shatter downstairs. Nialls eyes shoot to me and he walks up to me.

"Stay here." He says and kisses my forehead, trying to calm me down. 

"What if there is really someone down there?" I whisper an look up at him. He looks so cute right now, his hair a mess. His tired eyes staring into mine.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." He whispers and puts his forehead with mine. I sigh and look down at my bare feet.

"But what if you get hurt?" I ask and look back up a him. He steps away and pulls me in for a hug.

"I will be fine." Is the last thing he says before going down stairs. I hear his feet pad softly along the wooden floor and my heart beats even faster. I hear him walk down the stairs. I hear his feet hit the cool tile of the kitchen.


I knew she was scared, I just knew it since the moment I opened my eyes to see her beautiful face right in front of mine. I cant let anyone hurt her. Even if it is just one of the boys, I need to assure her i wont let anything happen to her, ever.

I walk into the living room to see zayn walking around in a pair of boots. My heart finally stops its crazy beating and I sigh. All of that for nothing, this dick is going to get it for scaring Kate.

"You little shit. You scared the hell out of me. Why are you here?" I ask and he jumps before pointing at the vase on the floor.

"I lost my key so I had to jiggle the knob until it opens," He says and then continues, "I was going to come and get my phone but I knocked over this vase on an accident. I nod and he tells me he is going to leave.

He grabs his phone, cleans up the mess, then leaves.

I walk up the stairs to see Kate in my bed. I smile a bit when I see how little and cute she looks right now, she is pulled up into a ball, her perfectly painted nails poking through the blanket she put on. 

I walk over to her and undo the covers so I can get in. I remember everything from last night, everything. And I am happy that she brought it up. I don't want her to think that she had to do that. Because as much as I would love to experience that again, and maybe even do something for her, it would be too complicated right now. 

"It was just Zayn knocking over a vase, love." I say and pull her in so I am cuddling her into my side. her cheeks flame red and I kiss them before kissing her nose.

I don't understand how someone can be as beautiful as she is.

"Sorry for waking you up." She whispers into my chest and then closes her eyes.


He is so warm, I could stay like this forever. Like seriously, this feels like heaven being wrapped in his arms. He said it was fine that I woke him up, but I still feel kind of bad. He needed to sleep, he starts tour in two weeks. 

"Niall," I say as we lay next to each other, my head on his chest, my lips Pres to his neck. I'm falling for his eyes, but they don't know it yet.

"even though there wasn't anyone here, thank you for being here for me." I say and give him a soft kiss on his soft neck. He smiles lightly and tightens his grip around my waist.

"I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile." He says and kisses my forehead before closing his eyes. 

I wake up to feel movement. "No." I groan and turn over I roll onto someone and feel the vibration of their laugh as I snuggle into their neck.

"No get up, only cuddle." I say and wrap my arms around the Person. They lock their arms just above my bum on the Small of my back. I smile when I smell the scent of my Niall. The only Niall I will ever be comfortable with, ever.

"Lets get up, love." He says and starts to sit up. I sit in his lap and keep my arms around his neck. He laughs again and I decide to open my eyes. I groan at the light and niall smiles before talking.

'We need to go to the studio."

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