Chapter One

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I step out of my white Porsche and sigh, here goes nothing.

I walk into the large building I used to call my home, and almost cry at the sight. There are numbers all over the floor and tape and signs. I see a cop with black hair, and walk up to him. I flick my brown hair out of my eyes and manage to smile slightly.

"Uhm. I'm Kate, this was my dads house." I say softly. The guy smiles and its then that I notice he has a name tag, his names Brad. He smiles slightly at me and I see sympathy in his eyes, that's what I hate. When people think you can't notice, when people think you don't know. Everyone gives me this look. Everyone. I almost want to say something about it, but he answers before I can talk.

"I'm sorry to here about your father," he smiles a little before continuing, "the man who did this is in jail, your dads are at the hospital down town. They think it was murder, or attempt at murder at least. Visiting hours close at 8:00 so you have an hour or so." I nod and force a fake smile and thank him before leaving that dreadful place and getting into my car.

I park and make my way inside, but not before I run into someone.

"Sorry." I say and look up to see blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Kate?" The boy in front of me asks, no this can't be. He cannot be right here in front of me. NO.

"Sorry, I'm in a rush," I say and try to move past him.

"I heard about your dad, that's why I'm here," he admits and my eyes water. He cannot just show up out of the blue and just act like nothing happened.

"It's- I'm- fine," I sigh and walk away, he doesn't follow me which I am not sure if I am more happy or sad because of this.

"Winslow." I tell the receptionist. She looks at me with a sour expression before mumbling a 'room 234' and looking back at her computer.

I walk down the long hallway, hating that I wore heels today. I fix my mid thigh length dress, and make my way to the front of the door marked, '234'

I walk into the room and feel tears prick my vision as I see my dad laying down with a tube going into his nose. He is laying with his eyes closed and isn't moving a bit, other than the movement of his chest, at least he is breathing. He has a bandage wrapped around his stomach and a bandage wrapped around his arm.

"Daddy." I mumble as I sit in the chair next to his bed and take his cold hand into mine.

When I take his hand, it's almost like something shocks me. And I go back in time, I go back to all the times he played baseball with me. All the times he tried to do my hair or make-up, because my mom passed when I was younger. I can still remember how everything went. That day was horrible and I never want to live it again. My mom died from lung cancer when I was only 5. I was young and scared. 13 years pass, and I'm still scared. I still wake up with nightmares. I still wake up to no mother.

I hope and pray that one morning, I will wake up to my mother laughing. Or I will walk into the kitchen and see my father lightly kiss my mothers cheek. But it won't happen, ever. And that's why I don't show emotions. I don't let people in, why should I? Everyone leaves at some point. Everyone dies. So why should I let myself get Hurt, why should I let people in when they are only going to leave.

I kiss my fathers cheek one more time, telling him goodbye for now.

As soon as I have exited the room, I bump into a hard chest. I stagger back but look up and see the same person, Niall. "Sorry- again," I try to hide the slight blush and look at my feet.

"Where are you staying?" He asks out of no where. I look at him confused before finally manning up and answering.

"I don't exactly have anywhere to stay," I say a little embarrassed.

"You can stay with me, we are practically family," He says and pushes my shoulder in a playful way, I think to myself if this if right or not. Of course this isn't right, but I know him very well and I guess I trust him, maybe not as much as I used to, but he is the only person I have I guess now until my dad get's better.

"I guess," I say still not as convinced. But then again, I do not want to be a big part of this whole fame thing, I know how much it tares everyone apart. "But- Niall," I place my hand on his wrist as he starts to lead me to 'the others'. "I don't want to be a big part of publicity and stuff, so just make something up."

"What? Like what? That I just met you out of no where and asked you to live with me because I felt sorry for you?" He asks and rolls his eyes. He groans when he see's I'm being serious. "Fine."


Okay, so this is the 2014 older me and oh my gosh this story is terrible in like the first few chapters, the story is spotty and just crazy, but I swear it gets better. So I am currently editing it and still writing it! So please keep reading, it will makes more sense and be better as you go!

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