Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The next few weeks pass by fast, we went baby shopping a lot and have gotten almost all done with the baby room. Being three months pregnant has its ups and downs, one, the media is sucking up every little bit of my pregnancy. So that is not exactly the most fun, but the good thing is I have gotten a lot of presents from fans and its really adorable, also the paparazzi try to not harass me as much.

Right now I am sitting on our large sofa shopping online. Niall has been taking a nap for the past hour and I am unbelievably happy with everything right now, Niall and Is relationship hasn't ever been better. Everything is okay at the moment, at least I hope so. I hear my phone go off and lift it from where it rested on our coffee table.

"Hello?" I ask into the iPhone, not looking at the caller id.

"Kate? This is Clair," The peppy voice of my best friend I haven't seen in months, fills my ears.

I shut my computer and stand up. "Oh my god, hey."

"I am going to be in LA for a while and was wandering if I could maybe stay at your place, we should really catch up," My smile is huge while I place my left hand on my big belly.

"Sure, I will text you my address. Come on over now, we have plenty of room," After that we exchange goodbyes and hang up.

I have known Clair for a long time, I would always see her at dinner parties or get-togethers because our dads worked together, she was almost like a sister because I grew up with her so long. I am so happy to finally see her again, it has been so long and I have missed that girl for the longest time. I decide to go and wake Niall up, but not before I put sox on my cold feet.

I am dressed in one of his tank-top shirts with no bra and a pair of his sweatpants. My hair actually looks not too bad, Its still straightened from the night before when Niall took me out to dinner. It's around two in the after noon and Clair said she will be here no later than three-thirty.

My eyes land on my lovely fiancé and my hand goes to my ring on my left hand, a habit I have developed. My feet pad along the carpet as I walk over to him, I kneel down right by him, in front of his spot on the bed. My hands come up to caress his cheek, feeling his warm skin under my cool hands.

"Wake up, boo," I whisper. He continues to lightly snore. "Wake up, baby," I say it a little louder and gently shake his left shoulder, he is facing me on his side. He looks so peaceful and I feel so bad for waking him, he has been so busy and was so tired that as soon as he got home this morning from the studio, he took a nap. He fell asleep around one and I feel terrible to have to wake him when he has only gotten an hour long nap. "I'm sorry babe," I say and kiss his cheek. He stirs after I stroke his cheek lovingly.

"What time is it?" He grumbles without opening his eyes. I look at the clock on our wall to see it is 2:15.

"2:15, boo. Sorry I had to wake you, but I have Clair coming over to stay in an hour and Louis said he needs you to sing a backtrack," He groans and doesn't even flinch when I trace my fingertips on his neck down to the waist band of his boxers.

"I want to stay here with you," He mumbles and pulls me up to sit on his lap. He is laying completely flat on the bed with a pillow cushioning his head.

"I want you to stay here with me, too," I say quietly. He finally opens his eyes and sits up, pulling my thighs so I am straddling his waist. he lets his hands roam up and down my sides and legs before letting them sit on my bum.

"I love you," He says out of no where, he has told me these words many times in many different ways, but something about the way he said it just now made my heart momentarily stop.

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