Chapter Forty

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Today is the day Niall and I are going to the parenting class, Clair is going with Harry and they are pretending she is pregnant with a baby but really we just made her eat a whole lot and she is puffing out her tummy. Niall didn't want to go at first claiming he would loose his manly look but I got Harry to come with Clair so now we are all set.

Niall and I are in his silver range rover while Clair and Harry drive behind us in his black range rover. I am dressed in leggings, a sports bra, and a work out top. My hair is done up in a pony tail and I have tennis-shoes on my feet. Niall is wearing  basketball shorts with a grey t-shirt and his hair is in a fringe, he has a pair of Nike's on his feet and his hand is resting on my left thigh. Clair is wearing the same as me except her hair is pushed back with a  headband and Harry has a little pony tail that I think is hilarious but oddly adorable.

Once we get there Niall steps out and opens my door for me, a few paparazzi surround us so he pulls me into him, his arm hooking around my waist. Our ray-bands on our eyes while Harry and Clair laugh at something and stay close to each other. They look over at us and jog to come walk with us into the big building.

We all get into the elevator and Niall holds my hand in his while we try to figure out which floor. I roll my eyes when he clicks the wrong one.

"Niall," I groan. He turns to me and scrunches his eye brows.

"What?" He groans back, mocking my tone. I bite back a  smile and click floor five. He clicked seven and I know it isn't seven.

"You clicked the wrong floor, Again," I say and move to lean back on the railing. He pulls his hand out of mine to take off his sunglasses before turning to look at the floor numbers.

"No, I didn't," He says and presses the Five again. I click the seven right after him and he shakes his head. "Kate-" He clicks the five and I groan.

"Niall stop- it's seven," I fight back. He shakes his head and clicks the five. He did this last time too, we went up to this place a few weeks ago because his mom had suggested us to check it out. I nudge him in the stomach, to push him back so I can click the seven.

"Kate stop, it's five, remember last time?" He asks and moves to stand in front of me. I shake my head and press the seven right after he hits the five.

"Wait, I think it is floor-" Clair starts reading off the coupon on her phone when the lights go off and the elevator stops.

"See what you did," Niall and I both say at the same time. Harry and Clair both whine and start to curse while I lean on the railing.

"If you would have only listened to me, then this wouldn't have happened," I mumble and try to see through the dark. He doesn't answer and Clair turns the light of her phone on. When the small elevator is filled with a little light, I see Niall is clutching onto the railing in front of me and his eyes are big. "Oh shit, your claustrophobic," I walk the three strides it takes to get to him and pull him in for a hug.

"It's okay," he says onto my shoulder. But I know he is lying because I can hear the rapid beat of his heart under my ear.

"No it's not, I shouldn't have pressed the buttons like that, sorry," I mumble into his chest. He kisses my neck and I stay there for a while. I turn to see Harry and Clair both sitting down playing on their phone and decide to sit myself down too.

"Sit, Niall," I say as we pull away, he nods his head and as soon as I am sat down, I lay my legs out in front of me. He comes and sits down next to me, I slouch down a little and move him so he can rest his head in my lap. He sits up a little and rests his head on my chest. I roll my eyes when he nudges his face into my exposed breast. "You are such a boy," I mumble and laugh. I hear Harry chuckle and smile at us.

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