Chapter Forty-Six

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I wake up to no one beside me, no Niall. That's weird, I think, because it is Saturday and he never goes to the studio on Saturday. I hear something shatter from downstairs and my heart races, I slowly get out of the bed and turn my attention towards the clock, 10:15 it reads, so maybe it is him down stairs. I slip Niall shirt over my only under wear clad body and cross my arms over my chest. I walk over to the door and open it.

When I finally tip toe to the bottom of the stairs, I see Niall in only a pair of plaid pajama pants, he is bent over trying to pick up a bowl. I see the frosted flakes on the counter and know he was making himself cereal. He hears my footsteps and looks up at me with creased eye brows before looking back down at the mess, then back up at me again.

"I'm not mad, just let me clean it up," I say and walk towards him, but when I make it three feet away from the shattered glass plate, he stands up quickly.

"No- no. You are going to hurt yourself," He says and gently pushes my shoulders, I step back a few feet while he keeps his hands on my shoulders. "Just, stay."

"Stop treating me like a dog," I roll my eyes and shrug his warm hands off my shoulders, he lets out a huff and drops his hands to his sides.

"Since you won't let me clean it up and I sure as hell am not letting you," He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. I stand there with my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face. "Why don't we just let Louis do it? We already have him coming over later for dinner, why don't we just ask him to come over early?"

Nialls suggestion makes me roll my eyes again and deepen my scowl. "Why won't you just clean up your mess?" I grow frustrated and stomp my bare right foot. He seems taken aback by my sudden out burst and watches as I pout out my bottom lip.

"Fine then," He says equally as loud as I did. He keeps staring at me and sighs, his shoulders slumping. "I will go clean it up," He sighs in defeat and grabs the broom.

"I love you," I say quietly. I have no clue why I got mad all of a sudden, but I know it kind of ticked him off for me to not just let him clean it up, I mean he was only trying to keep me safe. He squats down and uses a hand held broom to sweep into the dust pan and tries to clean it up.

I frown and notice how he didn't even say anything back, I get on my knees behind him and let my arms come around his back to hook right on his abdomen. "I said, I love you," I say against his back. I place my cheek on his warm back and hear his breathing through my ear.

"I love you," He says quietly before emptying the dustpan and making sure the mess is up, he then turns around and lifts me by my hips to sit in his lap.

"I'm sorry, I was really short with you and it was stupid," My words are muffled as he places kisses all over my face. I giggle and place both of my palms on his chest to push him away as he playfully nuzzles his face into my neck, he responds by kissing my neck before pulling back and looking at me.

He watches as I trace over his tattoo, I notice how it is no longer puffy and looks actually very sexy on him. "It's not all puffy and stuff anymore," I say and giggle. I look up at him to see a smirk on his face.

"No shit, it's been a week," He kisses my cheek before helping me out of his lap and then standing up, pulling me with him.

"Niall," I groan and hit his chest. He shrugs his shoulders and holds back a laugh. I frown more and push his chest again.

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be funny," He says and tries to hug me. I push him back and turn away from him. My back faces him and I cross my arms over my chest.

"It's not funny- not funny at all," I mumble and pout. I hear him stifle a laugh again and bite back a smile.

"I really am sorry," I feel his arms wrap around my waist, the palm of his hands come to place flat on my stomach, under his shirt, before he slips his hands down lower to cup my private.

"What are you- no, you can't just make it all better by sex Niall," I say and place my hands over his, I go to take his off of me when he moves my underwear to the side and slips a finger in me, us standing in the living room with the blinds open, this is probably not the best idea.

"I can feel how much you want me," I hear him grumble into my ear before biting softly on the lobe, I bite my lip and force my eyes to stay open. He slowly uses his middle finger to slide in and out of me while I stay there limp.

"I am still angry at you," I say and try to hide the moan that escaped. He uses his left hand to slide from my stomach up to my breasts so he can fondle them softly.

"I know," He kisses from my ear to my collar bone in a line.  I hear a knock on the door and jump slightly. "Every fucking time," I hear him mutter. He slides his finger out of me and takes his hands off of my body before helping me adjust my underwear and his shirt.

"Go change," He instructs,  but not before slipping his middle finger into his mouth and sucking on the finger that was just in me, I see him take it out with a pop and smirk at me. "Now- go change," he slaps my ass on the way and I yelp before running up the stairs.

When I make it to our room I slip on a pair of his sweatpants and a sweat shirt. I grab my phone and walk back down the stairs, feeling kind of hot and bothered. On my way I check the clock to see it is 1:56, Louis was suppose to be here around 2 so we are good on time.

I walk into the living room to see Niall and Louis laughing about something, Louis smiles widely at me when I walk in and Niall smirks. "Hey Lou," I give him a hug and stand next to Niall.

"Can I?' He gestures to my stomach and I nod while smiling, I lift up my shirt and let him run his hand over my stomach. He looks back up at me and helps me fix my sweatshirt.

"Thanks," I giggle and lean into Niall. We shut the front door before taking a seat on the couch, I sit by Niall while Louis sits on his right. They turn on a game and talk while watching it. I sit and scroll through my phone, occasionally saying something but mostly letting them have their guy time while I sit back against the side of the couch and keep my feet in Nialls lap, his hands stay on my ankles and slowly rub up and down my ankles and feet.

"So anyways, I acted like I sliced my finger and she almost started crying," I look up at Niall to scowl as he explains our earlier bickering.

"I was scared half to death," I say and slap his chest. They both laugh as I roll my eyes.

"What if the baby, like when she is older, like gets a scrape or something?" Louis asks with humor in his eyes.

"Well that is different, you were acting like you chopped a fucking finger off," I point at Niall and we all laugh. "But seriously, I will know what to do when the time comes."

For the next few hours we all talk about anything and everything, I end up falling asleep after dinner in Nialls lap and he takes me into our room, he kisses me goodnight before going back down to talk with Louis.

I lay in bed thinking about my lovely Fiancée, when will our baby come, when will we get married, when will we finally be the family I have always wanted? Well I guess only time will tell.

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