Chapter Thirty-One

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I step into my living room with a wide smile on my face. Niall will be over any minute with the boys, this past month has been hard. The boys went back on tour, only around my area so I still saw Niall every weekend. But the tour has come to an end and I am now twelve weeks pregnant, two months to be exact. I have been talking to Niall ever night and the boys still don't know about the pregnancy. My tummy has a slight bulge that you don't exactly notice unless I wear a really tight shirt or you put your hand on it.

I hear the doorbell ring and look at myself through the mirror. I am wearing dark skinny jeans with a loose band t-shirt of Nialls and a pair of toms. I through my hair into a bun and decided to put a little make-up on. My feet carry me to the door, I haven't seen Niall all week and I cannot wait.

"Kate!" I am softly pulled into Nialls arms as soon as the door opens. He lightly places his hand on my stomach before remembering the boys and just kissing my lips softly. "I missed you so much," He continues to kiss me before we are roughly pulled apart.

"Oh shut up," Louis grumbles and pulls me in for a tight hug. "You saw her just last week, we haven't seen her in over a month," He hugs me tighter and I see Niall cringe. He just wants me to be okay, that's all he has tried to make sure since my fathers funeral two weeks ago. Louis' eyes widen a little as he pulls away. I try to act like I don't notice how our stomachs touched and he probably felt my baby bump.

"Come here," I am pulled into Liam and Harrys' arms and they hug my shoulders and kiss my cheeks. Louis and Niall exchange glances before Zayn hugs me tightly.

"You lot just get comfortable in the movie room. I am going to go make popcorn," I start to walk off before turning back around. "Harry pick a movie, you always pick the best. They are in a basket next to the couch." I motion to the couch while all of the boys except Niall and Louis walk over to help Harry.

I make my way into the kitchen with both boys hot on my tail. Niall never stops smiling while he leans in to kiss me softly before grabbing the packets and making the popcorn so I don't have to. Louis rolls his eyes at our couple-ness while making his way next to me. I smile up at him and he does the same down to me.

"Kate-" he stops himself before lifting up my shirt a little. My cheeks turn beat red and Niall drops the bowl of hot popcorn onto the floor. Louis' eyes almost pop out of his head while he runs his hand lightly over my baby bump. "Oh my god- holy shit."

"Louis," I start and see a small smile grow on his face. I decide not to lie to him and just sigh. "I'm twelve weeks, two months." His smile only grows as he runs his hand up and down my swollen belly.

Niall walks over to me and I smile up at him. "We haven't told anyone yet, not even my mum<" I nod my head, agreeing with Niall. we really haven't, we haven't put much thought into this. But when you love someone, it's all about taking the risks. Louis stays silent before pulling me in for a hug.

"I may be a little shocked, but I am not unhappy for you two," I relax in his arms while Niall rubs my back. The door to the room opens and Zayn walks in.

"I just missed my Princess is all," Niall says before pulling me to help him clean up the spilt popcorn. Zayn slightly nods before going into the other room with a beaming Louis.

"I missed you, Love," Niall says before kissing my lips. His tongue enters my mouth while his soft hand trail over my tummy.

"I missed you," I say into his mouth.

We make the popcorn in three bowls, me wanting my own because I have been craving it for a while. I don't know why, I am just craving popcorn. They all sit on the couch or chair while Niall and I share a love seat. I snuggle closer to Nialls side while the movie, The Blind Side, Starts to play. This movie makes me emotional when I'm not pregnant, so this is going to be a bit of an experience.

We are not even half way through the movie and I am already crying. BY the look on Nialls face, I can tell he knows it's just from the hormones. I lay my head on his chest while he rubs his hand over my tummy. My eyes slowly start to shut, no tears escaping.

I wake up on a soft cushion. Wait, no. I wake up in my bed. I think. My eyes open and I see my bed empty at the side with an indent, telling me someone was in my bed. Niall probably. Before I can even choose to either get up or go back to bed, My door opens. Niall shuffles in with a cup of tea and s shirtless body. I see his sweatpants hung low and immediately know he isn't wearing underwear. He looks over at me before doing a double take, his eyes lighting up as a smile makes it's way onto his face.

"Morning, Babe," I smile at his morning voice and sit up a little in the bed. I know Niall dressed me because I am in a t-shirt of his and underwear. He sets the cup of tea down beside me before crawling into the bed and hooking his arms around my waist. Peppering kisses along my hip until he rests his head on my breast.  I cringe a little and he notices.

"You okay?" His voice is sincere while he kisses my lips lightly.

"I am soar," I whisper and kiss him softly back. He smirks and uses his tongue to open my lips. I smile into the kiss, loving the feeling of his rough but soft lips on mine.

"How was the appointment on Wednesday?" he asks. that was the first one he hasn't been able to go to since we found out.

"Great, I got this cool book on what not and what to do while pregnant," I pep up and move a little to grab it off my bedside table.

"Read me a page," he smiles and lays his head on my lap while I read to him a list I made from the book.







-RIDE ROLLERCOASTERS," I laugh a little at the list before Niall kisses my bare thigh and tells me to read the good things.







-GO SWIMMING," Niall lifts up his head a little at these. I raise an eye brow while his hands rub up and down my bare leg.

"Sexual Intercourse?" He asks with a posh accent.

"Yeah, the doctor said it actually isn't that bad for the baby, it could help her/him develop," I say nonchalantly while a wicked smile makes it's way onto his lips.

"Really?" He asks, faking interest while kissing along my neck.

"Yep, they actually encourage it," I bite back a smile while he laughs.

"Well, if they encourage it I think we may just- have to do it," I nod my head quickly. A completely straight face, I have.

"We wouldn't want to do anything wrong, would we?" He shakes his head before lifting the shirt over my body and pulling me softly so I am laying flat on my back.

His hands roam all the way from the top to bottom of my slightly swollen body. I would feel self-conscious, but it's just Niall. He kisses from my neck to my toes before pulling down my panties and unclasping my bra.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear. His tongue creates a thin strip of wetness while he glides it to my hardening nipples.

"God, I love you," I moan out. I don't know if the boys are still here or not.

"Harry and Zayn are at the studio, Louis and Liam are sleeping, it isn't even 8:00 yet," he answers my thoughts. I nod my head while his tongue laps around my erect nipple.

He kisses along my chest before taking extra time to kiss along my belly. Not missing a spot on our growing baby.  I cannot wait for this baby, it is ours. Our own human being. our baby.

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