Chapter 1: All these buildings look the same

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Authors note: As this book begins to grow with readers I want to say please feel free to leave questions or comments. I have a youtube channel where I address these books and would love for you to join me. Whether or not this is your favorite version I hope you enjoy reading it. Please check out my channel so have fun.


"Pheebs!" Gabriel hisses at me. Looking up I notice everyone is staring at me due to the fact that my security team has just entered my classroom, again! I don't think I will ever not be the freak who's security team follows her around everywhere. 

Mr. Ryan whispers something to Sawyer who responds with a nod. "Phoebe Grey. It looks like you're leaving." Mr. Ryan says. There was a time when he was surprised by my constant absence, but he is numb to it now. He knows when it is time for me to go just email me the work for the rest of the week. 

I quickly grab my things and shove them into my book bag. It never occurs to my father to make them call me down to the front office instead of just barging into one of my lessons, but I guess dad is worried about another threat against him. Being Christian Grey, a billionaire who buys just about every company he can get his hands on, he tends to receive a threat every now and again and every time he does that means taking me out of school. Teddy goes to college and is studying to be in the FBI so he told dad that he does not and will no longer allow Ryan to follow him everywhere he goes. Unfortunately, I am only 16 so I do not get to make that decision just yet.

"Hello, Phoebe," Sawyer tells me while taking my book bag. At least he sent my favorite.

We do our handshake; two slaps, one fist bump, and turn about, and then surfer dude stance."Hey Luke, so what is it this time?" I ask him. He must have gotten Luke to go so I wouldn't be as mad. 

"Your dad got an email regarding a bomb threat at Grey house so he sent me to retrieve you," Retrieve me! Like I am some sort of package! Sawyer says in a very official way with just a hint of pity in his voice. His sweet smile begs for me not to be mad at dad and it works because I instantly feel less angry. I can't help it! He is like a professional teddy bear. 

"And is that really necessary? I mean the threat was towards the company Luke."

"Your dad worries that's all." Of course, Sawyer defends him. The man worships my father.

In the car, I get a text from Gabriel. Is everything good?

Yes, threat @ Grey house, most likely nothing ttyl. I reply. Gabriel really worries too much, not as much as a dad, but just close enough to where I am completely smothered. I do love my life and the security I have; I just wish I had some space to myself every now and again. 

"How was school Phee?" Sawyer asks. He always asks me this and it would just break his heart if I were to tell him the truth. That I am incredibly bored with my protected and quiet environment that I feel like a child with all this security. That Teddy being gone still upsets me. But like I said, seeing Taylor upset just hurts me. So I tell him a little white lie that makes us both feel better. 

"It was good Sawyer; how did dad seem today?" I ask him.

"I am afraid he seems a little preoccupied today," Taylor replies.

I giggle quietly to myself. When is it that my father is not frantic?

Pulling into the driveway I see a familiar motorcycle that belongs to Teddy. "Teddy is home?" I ask Taylor.

"Yes, he'll be home for a couple of weeks. The FBI gave him some time off from training." Taylor replies. Finally the first piece of good news all day!

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